His gone

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Third P.O.V

Chase and Marcus hugged each other as a count down started. 30, 29, 28 the loudness echo. "We have to get out off here", Chase says and got up. "Where's Douglas?!", Marcus frowns and sighed. "His gone", Marcus says angryily. 15, 14, 13, "We have to go now", Chase says and grabs Marcus hand, running out. Chase run out outside just as the place exposed, "Likely we got out when we did", Marcus says and Chase nodded. Marcus and Chase run all the way to the lab.

When they get to the house, Chase and Marcus go down to the lab. "Chase your Okay?...Ah you brought him", Adam says and hugged Chase. Leo, Adam and Bree all glare and give evilys at Marcus. Marcus puts his hands up in sterner, "I come in peace", Marcus says instantly regreating it. "Alien...Alien", Adam started shouting, Screaming as he pointed. Chase shakes his head, "Adam, Marcus isn't a Alien", Chase says. "Marcus helped me escape", Chase added. "He helped you?", Bree asks and Chase nodded. "Why should we believe that?", Leo says frowning. Marcus sighed as Mr Davenport listens, "I'm sorry for all the trouble I have caused and I won't do it again..I really do like..I really do love Chase", Marcus says. Chase looked at Marcus and smiles at him. "Oh and you expect up to be ni-", Leo started but was cut off by Mr Davenport. "It might take us time to trust you", Mr Davenport says. Marcus nodded, "Off course", Marcus says. Leo made a face, "Really?!". Mr Davenport nodded, "You can stay in the spare room for now", Mr Davenport says. Marcus smiles widely, "Thank you so much".

A week later, Chase and Marcus were watching a romantic movie on the sofa. Adam,  Bree and Leo walk in from shopping with Tasha and Adam groans, "Ehh, That's gross", Adam says looking at the Tv as they say love dovey words to each other. Bree shakes her head, "Really Adam?!...", Bree says pulling Adam downstairs to the lab and Leo follows. Chase smiles up at Marcus, "You know when you said you loved me?", Chase asks. Marcus looked at Chase and nodded with a tiny blush, "Yeah". Chase smiles, "I love you too", Chase says quitely and blushed. Marcus smiles at that and leans in kissing Chase passionately. Chase kisses back instantly. "Eww...", Adam says loudly. "They are snogging", Adam says. Chase and Marcus pull back blushing. "Adam, Shut up", Bree and Leo say at the same time and turn the screen off. Marcus laughs, "I got to get use to this not so much privacy", Marcus says. Chase smiles and nodded, "You will", Chase says. Marcus nodded, "I will", Marcus says pecking Chase's lips. Chase hugs Marcus as they watch the film happily.

The end.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this story, this chapter xx.

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