I'm sorry?!?!

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Third P.O.V

Chasr ran all the way home thinking, Chase couldn't believe Marcus called him a loner and Chase didn't know why he took it so personally but he did, it hurt him badly. Chase never took it personally when Adam punches him or throws him a cross the room or when Bree and Loe play pranks on him, so he wondered why when Marcus said that, that it hurt him so badly, It was something  Chase didn't have the answer for. Chase when inside and Mr Davenport instantly looked at him, "Chase what you doing home?", Mr Davenport asks. Chase looked at Mr Davenport, "Err..Well, I don't feel well", Chase lied and looked at the floor. Mr Davenport got up and felt my forehead, "You don't seem to have a temperature..alright stay home for the rest off the day", Mr Davenport says seeing something was up with Chase. Mr Davenport texted Adam and Bree saying that Chase had came home early. Chase nodded and sat down began doing his homework. Mr Davenport sighed and goes to get a drink, "Are you sure nothing happened at school?". Chase hums, "I'm sure Dad", Chase lied and faked a smiled. He hated lieing but he didn't want to say anything, he didn't want to worry his family. Soon Chase finished his homework and watched Tv.

Chase sighed 2 hours later, he was bored. Mr Davenport had gone down to the lab 2 hours ago. Chase sighed and decided he'll got for a walk. Chase walks around thinking and looking down at the floor as he walks.

Chase suddenly bumps into someone and falls back on the floor, "Ouch! Why Don't you watch-", Chase says looking up and stops, frowning as he sees Marcus. Marcus sighed and offers Chase a hand. Chase frowns and stand up not taking Marcus hand. Chase goes to walk off but Marcus pulls Chase back gently by his wrist, "Please listen to me?", Marcus asks. "Will you leave me alone, if I listen?", Chase asks, frowning. Marcus shakes his head, "I think thats highly impossible", Marcus says and grins. Chase rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, "You have two minutes". Marcus nodded, "I'm sorry for what I said. When I had know right to call you a loner when I practically am aswell..I just wanted to be your friend again Chase and I know its going to take you a while to trust me again because of the kidnap and all that...blah, blah", Marcus says and sighed. "But I just really want to be your friend...I like you Chase Davenport", Marcus says staring at Chase.

Chase listens, his heart beating faster and he got butterflies in his tummy when Marcus said the think. Chase felt himself blush but shook it off, "That was longer than two minutes, I should go now", Chase says and Marcus sighed. Marcus nodded, "Let me walk you home?". Chase bites his lip, "I can go on my own", Chase says. Marcus nodded, "I know, I just wanted too". Chase blushed and nodded. Marcus walked Chase back home quitely, but it was comfortable, compare to what recently happened just the other day. Chase just felt drawn to Marcus. Marcus smiles softly when they get outside Chase's house. Marcus hums, "See you tomorrow?". Chase nodded, "See you tomorrow", Chase says and walks up to his door and waves before going inside. Marcus watched Chase go inside and waves with a slight blush and starts walking home.

Mr Davenport frowns, "You was with Marcus", Mr Davenport says. Chase sighed closing the door, "I was...", Chase says. "I told you not to go near him...Do you not remember he kidnap you yesterday!..", Mr Davenport yelled. Chase sighed, "I do remember but he was been really nice", Chase says. Mr Davenport and Bree shake there head in disbelive. Mr Davenport frowns angryily, "You are not allowed to see him anymore..As soon as you do your be grounded", Mr Davenport says in a much calmer vocie. Chase frowns, "But-", Chase starts but gets cut off. Mr Davenport cuts Chase off, "Your suppose to be smart and Your acting dumb!", Mr Davenport says now angry again. Chase looked down, getting teary eyes, "I'm sorry...", Chase says quitely and starts cries quitely. Mr Davenport sighed, "I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry...Can you please stay away from him for everyones safety?", Mr Davenport asks in a much calmer vocie. Chase nodded, "Yeah I can Dad", Chase says quitely wiping his eyes. Adam got up and goes over to Chase and hugs him. Chase smiles as bree, Loe, Mr Davenport join the hug. They soon pull back sit on the sofa, in the order off, Loe, Chase, Adam, Bree and Mr Davenport and watch a movie.


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter. I started writing enough story called Don't worry Child. Thanks for voting, I appreciate it, Thank you xx.

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