Take you both down?!?!

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Third P.O.V

Marcus goes to Chase's locker and sees Chase waiting, "Ready to go?", Marcus asks. Chase nodded, "Off course I am", Chase says. Marcus nodded, "So I though we could go the cinema, get something to eat from a place I know", Marcus winks. "Then head back to mine", Marcus add with a slight smirk, he felt kind off bad because Marcus was leaning Chase into a trap after taking him on a not sure if this was a date, date. Chase was blushing like mad and nodded, "Yeah...Sound like a great idea", Chase says. Marcus smiles and nodded, taking Chase's hand as they head to the movies.

Once they get to the cinema, Marcus smiles, "What movie you want to watch?", Marcus asks. Chase smiles, "I don't mind", Chase says. Marcus nodded, "Erm, Its your choice, How about a horror", Marcus says. Chase shakes his head, "The last time, I went to see a horror, me and Leo ended up screaming nearly all the way through... A Romantic movie?", Chase asks and Marcus nodded even though he didn't want to watch a chicken flick. He sometimes wondered why Chase was called a fun killer, he understands alittle why he gets called that. Marcus smiles and pays for the tickets. "You don't need to pay for my ticket", Chase says. Marcus nodded, "I do", Marcus says. Chase hums and smiles, "Why do you need too?", Chase asks. Marcus shrugs, "Because I want too", Marcus says taking Chase's hand. Marcus looked at all the sweets and thinks. Chase goes to paid for him and Marcus but Marcus insisted he paid but Chase managed to pay before Marcus did. Marcus and Chase going into the movie. Chase enjoys the movie as soon as it starts. Marcus starts watching in, watching all the love scenes. At Some of the love scenes it was making them both cringe and look away alittle. At the end off movie they both leave and Marcus takes Chase's hand again, "That was actually, a really good movie", Marcus says. Chase nodded, "It was...", Chase says softly as they start walking to the restaurant.

Meanwhile with Leo

Leo breathes heavily as he ran all the way back to his house and goes inside, "Bree? Adam?", Leo called but there was no answer. Leo walks over to the kitchen and see a note.
The note says:- 'gone to town, don't wait up from Adam, Bree, Mr Davenport and Tasha', Leo reads the note out loud, "Are you joking me?", Leo says as he tried to think off what to do. Leo frowns as he made the choice off going to the fair to tell Adam and Bree. Leo sighed as he ran to the town. Leo started to check the shops in a rush when he saw Adam amazed by the Lego. Leo shakes his head, "Really Adam Lego?", Leo says. Adam smiles, "Its fascinating", Adam says. Leo shakes his head, "Where's Bree?", Leo asks. Adam shrugs, "Over at Newlook", Adam says. Leo nodded, "Right lets go", Leo says. Adam sighed, "I want to watch the Lego", Adam says. Leo grabbed Adam's arm, "Come on, Chase is in danger", Leo says. Adam frowns, "Why didn't you say that", Adam says. Leo frowns as they both go into Newlook and found Bree, "Bree?", Leo says and they both go over to her. Bree smiles, "What do you think on this tops..I wish Chase was here, his good at choosing outfits", Bree says. "We Don't have time for this", Leo says harshly. Adam nodded, "Chase is in danger", Adam says and then Leo quitely explain what he heard to Adam and Bree. Bree frowns, "We have to tell Mr Davenport", Bree says. Adam shakes his head, "Mr Davenport and Chase having been getting on to well lately after what he said about just saving us and not Chase", Adam says. Leo sighed, "I think Bree's right, we still tell Mr Davenport", Leo says. Adam sighed but then nodded as start looking for Mr Davenport. When they find Mr Davenport and Tasha they explain everything. Mr Davenport, Tasha, Bree, Adam and Leo go back to the home and go straight to the lab, to track Chase's GPS. "I am so angry with Chase for disobeying me again!", Mr Davenport says angryily and goes to his computer, "He so grounded", Mr Davenport frowns. Bree, Adam and Leo wait.

With Chase

They got to the restaurant and when and sat down, they both instantly looked at the menu, "This is a nice place", Chase says softly. Marcus nodded, "It is..I was saving coming here until I met someone special", Marcus says watching Chase. Chase looked up from the menu and there eyes locked, Chase blushed. Marcus smiles and looked back at the menu, he couldn't work the feeling out that was in his tummy. The waiter walks over, "Are you ready to order sirs?", The waiter asks. Marcus looked at Chase who nodded, "Yes we are ready to order thank you", Marcus says polity. They both order. Marcus smiles and takes Chase's hand over the table, "So, I was thinking other this we could go back to mine?", Marcus asks. Chase smiles and blushed deeply, "What about your dad?", Chase asks. Marcus shrugs, "He might be out...I don't know but nothing will happen", Marcus says feeling instantly guilty. Chase nodded, "Okay then...Yeah". They soon both eat and then order chocolate fudge cake and they share it romantically. Marcus was about to pay but Chase insisted he paid at least half as he wasn't allowed to pay for all, Marcus had said. They leave and walk to Marcus house. Marcus feels more and more guilty as they walk hand in hand to Marcus house. Marcus walks inside with Chase. Chase smiled at Marcus, "To think about it last time I was here, was when you was chasing me", Chase says and Marcus nodded pulling Chase closer. Chase looked in Marcus's eyes. Marcus looked in Chase's eyes and slowly in. Douglas came from around the corner and clapped, "Well done Marcus", Douglas says. Marcus and Chase pull back and look at Douglas. Marcus still holding Chase's hand and Chase looking confused. Douglas starts walking closer with an evil grin. Marcus steps in between Chase and Douglas, "I can't let you do this Dad!", Marcus says. Douglas frowns, "What are you talking about Marcus?!", Douglas asks angryily. Marcus shakes his head, "I'm not letting you hurt Chase...I don't want to do this know more", Marcus says. Douglas frowns, anger flashing through his eyes, "Fine, I'll take you both down!", Douglas says and laughs evily.


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter xx.

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