You won't get away with this?!?!

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Third P.O.V

"How we have binocs, you don't have binocs", Marcus says coldly at Douglas. Douglas frowns, "Don't talk to me like that?!", Douglas yelled. "Why not? You only created me so you could get Adam, Bree and Chase back", Marcus says frowning. Douglas shrugged, "And it worked". "Not really because Know you got me against you aswell", Marcus says frowning, keeping Chase behind him. Douglas frowns, "Oh really", Douglas says pulling a put you to sleep gun out off his belf and shoot Marcus, Marcus estianenly calapsing. Chase frowns, "Marcus?", Chase asks bending down. "Oh. Relax his sleeping", Douglas frowns. Chase frowns and goes over to Douglas knocking the gun out off his hand and they instantly start fighting. Chase fights Douglas, "You actually fight okay for an old man", Chase says. Douglas frowns, "Shut up!", Douglas says as Chase notched Douglas to the floor. Douglas groans in pain and looked up at Chase. Douglas grabbed the gun and shot it at Chase, Chase fainted instantly.

Chase finally woke up, he was strapped to a table. Chase looked around seeing nothing. Chase finally noticed Douglas, "Where's Marcus?", Chase asks firstly. Douglas laughs, "Wouldn't you like to know", Douglas says. "Dud, that's why I asked", Chase says sarcastically and rolled his eyes. Douglas shrugs, "When did you learn how to be so Sarcastic?", Douglas asks. "When you asker my question, I'll asker yours", Chase says. Douglas hums, "Your a smart kid Chase. But you see your the one tie up, so I do the deals here", Douglas says and laughed at Chase.  Chase looked at Douglas, "Whatever your up to Douglas...You won't get away with?!", Chase says frowning. Douglas laughed evily, "I already have!", Douglas laughed evily again.

"Where is Marcus?!", Chase yelled as he was getting more and more frustrated. Marcus walked in, "Relax Chase, I am right here", Marcus says. Douglas grins, "You actually though, Marcus would be on your side", Douglas laughs. "I-i though", Chase started. Marcus felt his heart break when saw Chase's face. Douglas laughed, "You actually though Marcus like you", Douglas says. Chase looked down, he felt heart broken and he felt like a fool. Douglas smiles at Marcus, "Want to do the pleasure on taking his chip out?", Douglas asks. "Hmm? No! But I want the pleasure on taking you out", Marcus growls and kicks Douglas and he goes flying into a wall. Marcus ran over to Chase and pulls the metal bars off. Marcus and Chase instantly hug.


Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter, hope you enjoyed it xx.

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