Go away?!?!

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Marcus P.O.V

I finally got up from the floor thinking, 'Dad is going to be so disappointed in me...I just want him to be happy with me for once'. Douglas walked in and his smile immediately stop, "Where are they?!", Douglas shouted. I bite my lip, "Well...technically they escaped", I says swallowing a hard bump in my throat. Douglas frowns, "I hope you have a plan to bring them back". I sighed and shakes my head, "Unless...I try to get them to trust me again, I'm a really go actor". Douglas laughs, "Really you think that will work after WE KIDNAPPED THEM!", Douglas shouted the last bit. I frown, "Well its the only plan we go", I say. Douglas frowns, "Fine that will do for now..". I smile, "It will be easy".

Chase P.O.V

Soon we all went to bed, I was so tired after what happened. In the morning, I woke up at 7 before taking a shower and getting dressed and heading to were the rest off the family are. Mr Davenport smiles, "Morning Chase? Have a good sleep". I nodded, "Morning Dad", I say with a slight yawn. Mr Davenport smiles at that, "right at school, try and stay as far away from Marcus..They probably got enough plan", Mr Davenport say. I eat my breakfast as me, Bree and Adam all nodded. Mr Davenport nodded, "If any problems..Give me a call..", Davenport says. I nodded again and finished breakfast putting my bowl in the sink. I smiles, "Okay, Well bye Dad and Trasha. I then grab my book bag and leave the house with Bree, Adam and Loe.

We got to school, Adam, Loe and Bree go to there Friends while I go to my locker, getting a few books out when I saw Marcus lean beside the lockers looking at me. I frown,"Take a picture it might last longer", I say. Marcus nodded, "Okay...", Marcus says and pulls out his phone. I frown, "I wasn't sirousle", I say facing away, not wanting the picture taken. I frown as the bell goes and goes I go to walk away from Marcus. Marcus pulls me back, "Wait I just want us to be friends", Marcus says. I laugh, "Your joking right after Yesterday". Marcus doesn't laugh but starts getting teary eyes, "I-i didn't want to do it...My Dad made me...", Marcus says as he sobs, he was good at Acting. I stop laughing and looked at Marcus, "Aww Marcus, Don't cry", I say my heart felt like it dropped. Marcus nodded and looked down, "His never proud of me either", Marcus says. I sighed, "Marcus I have to get to class..", I say and leave. As I was leaving, Marcus was grinning.

At Lunch, I was at my locker again putting books away as Marcus walked over. Marcus hums, "So are we friends?", Marcus asks calmly. I shrug, "I don't know". Marcus looked down, "But, I have know friends", Marcus lied and looked back up, "And where are your friends?", Marcus asks. I shrugs quitely, "Erm..Well, they are probably around here somewhere", I say. Marcus frowns a flash off anger ran throw his eyes, "Face it..You have know friends, your a loner!", Marcus says and his eyes widened as he actually felt bad. Marcus sighed, "Chase I-". I cut him off, "Stay away from me", I say having teary eyes. "Leave me alone and go away!", I shout with a weak vocie and run off home, upset.

(Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter, I have an idea for enough story so might Start that one but I will continue on with this story xx.)

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