30. Missing You (Final)

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Last chapter! (Oh my god!!!) You can find the sequel on my page @klaroline_babe

4 Years Later


"We should go out tonight, you know, just to celebrate living on our own now," Elena takes a swig of beer, handing it to Bonnie afterwards who repeats her actions.

"I don't know, I still have to unpack all my stuff-"

"C'mon Caroline, loosen up a bit. You've got your own apartment now, you're single, out of college, and can hook up with cute guys-"

"I like being single, actually," I smirk, taking the beer bottle and finishing it off.

"Why? Waiting for someone special?" Elena teases. Ever since I told her years back about Klaus and I kissing that's all she talks about. I don't want to tell anyone else besides Bonnie and Elena, I didn't need to.

"Shut up," I roll my eyes playfully, resulting in a small nudge from Bonnie.

"No seriously, besides him killing everyone we loved- he never seemed to do anything bad to you."

"He ran Tyler out of town," I raise my eyebrows.

"Tyler left you Care for a werewolf pack. He's not here now, is he?" Bonnie points out. I frown, reminiscing on our breakup. I blamed it on Klaus because I couldn't blame it on myself. Our relationship was toxic, I just never realized before.

"No. He's not. Which is why we are free to go partying tonight," I finally make up my mind, resulting in my best friends squealing happily.

"Yay! Okay, let's go get some dresses. Care, you have any extras?"

"Ha, do I?" I open my closet full of multicolored dresses. They smile, flipping through the different fabrics.

"You have to wear this one," Elena pulls out a gorgeous pink dress, which falls to my thighs as I change into it, trying it on.

"Jesus Caroline... If Klaus could see you now-"

"Shut up," I laugh. The girls giggle as I hit their shoulders, huffing. My eyes scan over my body. I did look pretty hot though...

"Okay... Let's go."


My eyes don't look away from the screen.

Caroline: I miss you.

I haven't talked to her in over four years besides the occasional (and clearly forced) "how are you". And then the even more forced "I'm doing fine, you?". But even that was around two years ago.

I take in a breathy sigh, shaking my head. Why of all nights did she pick tonight to start talking to me?

Klaus: You haven't talked to me in over four years, love.

It isn't long before I get a reply.

Caroline: I've been busy with college, you know that.

It's insanely hard when the girl you're in love with kisses you the night before she leaves and suddenly returns to college as if nothing ever happened. But it's even harder seeing those pictures she puts on her social medias of her kissing guys- even if she can't remember ever doing such a thing the next morning.

Klaus: And you aren't busy anymore?

Caroline: I'm out of college. I got an apartment too.

So that's why she decided to talk to me again. I shake my head at the text message. She really is my weakness. Even if she didn't talk to me for centuries- I would still love her just the same and I curse myself for it. But how can you not resist an angel on earth messaging you that she misses you of all people?

Klaus: I can't leave my own people behind to visit you as much as I'd like to.

I can almost see the little pout she probably has etched across her face. Fuck, she's irresistible.

Caroline: I know, I'm not expecting you to.

Klaus: So what do we do?

Caroline: I don't really know.


I finish off the last of my drink, waiting for Klaus's reply. But nothing came.

When realizing he probably wasn't going to reply, I stand up and head to the closet. I don't know why I texted him in the first place. Maybe it's the alcohol making me a bit more braver than usual, or the fact my friends encouraged me to do it. The loud music slightly muffled from downstairs echoes in my ears. I change into a large shirt and underwear, glancing my eyes over Klaus's coat I still kept from all those years ago.

I pick up the item, pressing it to my nostrils and whiffing in his scent. God I missed him. It was a bitch move, to never reply back to him. I mean, we kissed and I just left him hanging and now suddenly one drunken night I think he's just gonna drop everything and come to me over a text message? How stupid can I be?

Caroline: Are you mad at me?

I sit on the bed, tossing the jacket aside for now. I need to rest.

Klaus: For what?

Caroline: Not keeping in touch over the years.

Klaus: You were busy. I didn't expect you to.

I know he's lying. He could never be rude to me, but he definitely wasn't ecstatic that I basically left him hanging.

Caroline: Yeah but I never called or texted. I was a bitch and I'm sorry.

Klaus: Don't say that. You're the sweetest, most genuine person I've met in my lifetime, Caroline- and that's a long time. Besides, you're not all to blame. I never called either.

His words make me grin slightly.

Caroline: I want to see you Klaus.

Klaus: I can't come to you Caroline.

Caroline: Doesn't mean I can't come to you.

It takes him a second to reply, and I anticipate the answer.

Klaus: Meet me at my place tomorrow if you really want to see me. Until then, get some sleep love.


So that was it! Not sure how long it will be till the sequel comes out but I'll let you all know when it does. I won't be able to update as often with the new book and I can't promise it will be as long as this.
The sequel has been published, and is on my page! I suggest reading it if you want some more of this story, and want to know if Klaus and Caroline truly end up together!

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