10 | Bad Fish

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Saying they were loud was an understatement.

They were loud enough to wake up the dead.

It's been two hours since the blonde went into Xavier's room. They're too caught up in the act of making their ugly babies that they don't even mind others who are trying to sleep. What are they even doing? Shooting a sex tape for some porn website?

"Oh God Xavier!" Her moans were so loud that it could be heard from a mile away. 

"Yes, you all need God to cast you to hell, gosh!" I shouted but I doubt they'd hear me.

I threw a blanket over my bed and covered my ears with a pillow, trying to block out the noises. I shut my eyes tightly and groaned. That did not help. They even seemed to get louder.

I grumpily got out of my bed and grabbed the laptop from under the coffee table.

Running a hand through my hair in frustration, I let out a groan. Why does this always happen to me? First, it was my neighbor that brings home different guys every night, and now this? I feel like God hates me.

Laying down on the carpet, I opened the laptop, hoping to find something interesting to do at 1 a.m. Something more interesting than what Xavier is doing.

There was a blue post-it note stuck to the screen that said: "I can see whatever you're searching. -Xavier." 

I scoffed. It's not that I'm going watch porn like he does. 

I quickly typed in YouTube and played a random song when I heard the couple next door started to make animal noises again. Blasting the volume up, it thankfully made my neighbor's doings inaudible. 

Fishing around on websites, I decided to check my Facebook. I sucked in a breath when my notification showed me that I had 100 unread messages, all from Cecilia and Jackson. 

I opened the messages, quickly scanning through them.

"Where are you?" 5 days ago.

"Why is there blood in your apartment?"

"Maddie, ohmygod. Answer me." 

"Jackson and I are worried sick Maddie."

"Maddie baby." 

"We talked to the police. They're finding you."

Reading the most recent message, and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Surely the police will find me right? I'll be home safe and sound before I know it.

But then again, Nicki did say Xavier owns at least half of the police forces here in New York.

I sighed. Smart bastard. 

Should I text back to Cecilia and Jackson? 

No, that would bring them into this mess too. It's best for me to stay quiet and cut any connection I have with them.

The song I played ended just in time for me to hear a door slamming shut.

I guess they're finally done. I can't wait to see little kids running around soon enough.

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