Bonus Chapter - Xavier's POV

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Xavier's POV - Chapter 12 

Once it was clear that Maddie had grasped the attention of those stupid dumbasses, Xavier stole the badge from the Cop he knocked out cold.

He slipped through the back entry door, slipping the cap he found onto his head, shielding his face.

Leaving Maddie there was part of the plan. She was the distraction needed until the Russians figured it was too late.

The Cop he stole from was no other than one of those pigs. And Xavier knew that was the only choice that can get him the information he needed. To dress as the cop.

He unlocked and opened the Cop's trunk to see it loaded with varieties of machine guns. Xavier smirked at the beauties that laid before his eyes and thought about what he could do with them.

Splendid. He thought, closing the trunk.

Stripping out from his suit, he changed into a plain white t-shirt and jeans.

He climbed casually into the driver's seat and pulled down the visor mirror. As expected, there was a piece of paper clipped to it with an address.

He was playing as Officier Fervele for the day.

A legal officer with a badge.


"Closest unit please respond to Broadway. Some shit head threatening to shoot everybody." The police radio chattered on and on but none were the ones Xavier was searching for.

"11-24 Abandoned vehicle at Broadway. Black 1996 Chevrolet." There it was.

"10-4 Message received, understood," Xavier spoke into the radio, hoping he responded correctly. Good lord, it has been way too long.

The abandoned car may seem like nothing out of the ordinary but it was odd alright. Broadway was scribbled on the piece of paper Xavier found and it has got to be the right place.

He turned on the sirens and the flashers as he drove to his destination.

Xavier immediately spotted the vehicle and parked his car on the side of the road. It wasn't abandoned like his fellow officer had said over the radio but that wouldn't be a problem for Xavier.

He tossed the cap to the back seat of the car, strapping a gun to his hip and another hidden in his waistband. He didn't abandon the badge just yet, as he held onto it, knowing it might come to a use later on.

Stepping out of the car, he checked both ways and crossed the street, one hand resting on the gun strapped to his hip.

"Hey, fellas. We got a problem here?" He said, trying to imitate what cops usually say.

"Nah bro," One of the members spoke up, "We jus' here to deliver something for a guy name Gelato Fervele."

"Well today is your lucky day," Xavier looks at all of the gang members, "I'm Fervele."

"Then let me see yo' badge," Another guy spoke up, probably the leader. 

Xavier smirks, knowing the badge would be useful as he handed it to the heavily tattooed boy.

The leader inspected it for a while before handing it back to Xavier, nodding.

Xavier stuck out his hand, motioning the gang to give him what he wanted.

"Well, you gotta answer these confirmation questions first," The gang leader stuffed his hands into his pocket.

"Ask away," Xavier smiled, knowing he could just take the gang down in a blink of an eye.

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