Chapter 21: Poison

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Jessica's POV

             "Jessica!" I hear. I shake my head and continue sobbing. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn my head to see Madison.

             "Jessica, he'll be okay." Madison comforts.

             "How do you know that?" I ask.

             "The doctor said it was a little poison." She explains. I let out a sigh of relief and start to wipe away my tears. Madison pulls a chair up next to the bed and sits down. We both silently watch Jake. I was as his chest slowly rises and falls. I'm thankful that he's not dead and that nothing really bad happened to him. But who would poison Jake? I am not given much time to think about it because I hear Jake moan.

             "Jake?" I ask. His eyes fly open and I find myself looking into his chocolate brown eyes.

             "Jessica?" He weakly asks.

             "I'm so glad you are okay." I say hugging him tightly. His arms wrap around me and hug me tightly.

             "I see our patient is awake." we hear and I fly out of Jake's arms and back into my chair. I turn my head to see the same doctor from before, he is followed into the room by Austin.

             "What happened? Why am I in the hospital?" Jake asks.

             "You drank some poison." The doctor says. Jake gives me a look of confusion. I give him a look that says I'll tell him later. The doctor starts examining Jake and he finally deems Jake releasable and we quickly leave the hospital.  We get into Jake's car and Jake drives Madison, Austin and i home. He drops me off last and walks me to my door.

             "I had fun tonight." I say as we reach my front door.

             "Yeah, I'm sorry about the hospital." Jake apologizes.

             "It's alright. I'm just glad you're okay." I smile. He smiles back before leaning and lovingly kissing me. I eagerly kiss him back. All too soon Jake pulls away.

             "Goodnight." I softly.

             "Goodnight babe." he says before walking back to his car. I open my door and walk in. I head up to my room and change into my Pajamas. I lay down on my bed and my question from earlier pops back into my head.

Who poisoned Jake?

The only way he could have been poisoned is from….I gasp and sit up. His cup! He left it near Scott! Scott! He's the only one who had the opportunity to poison him. I'm so dumb! I should have paid more attention! This is my fault! I feel so responsible. I then proceed to cry myself to sleep.

             The next Monday at school, I don't bother to wait for Jake because I'm in too big of a hurry to confront Scott. I walk through the halls with a look of determination on my face. I spot Scott talking to Carly and walk over to them. I tap Scott on the shoulder and right as he turns around I draw back my fist and punch him square in the face causing him to stumble back.

             "What the hell?" Carly exclaims.

             "You poisoned my boyfriend!" I yell.

             "What are you talking about?" Scott asks.

             "You put the poison in Jake's cup!" I scream.

             "Oh, that's what this is about?" He smirks.

             "Why would you poison him!?" I ask.

             "Because I ask him to." I hear. I turn to see Melissa.

             "Why?" I ask.

             "Jake should be with me not you." She says.

             "So you get revenge and have Scott poison him?" I ask. This is now out of control.

             "Yes, if I can't have him no one can." Melissa continues. Next thing I know Melissa and Carly are having a catfight in the middle of the hallway.

             "You bitch! Jake is mine to get back!" Carly yells at Melissa.

             "He was mine first!" Melissa yells pulling Carly's hair. What just happened!?

             "Jessica!" I hear. I turn my head to see Jake, Austin and Madison.

             "What is going on?" Jake asks surveying the scene.

             "Well they both want you." I explain wincing as Carly lands a punch to Melissa's face. "Oh and he poisoned you." I add pointing to Scott.

             "You did what!?" Jake asks.

             "Melissa told me to I'm sorry." Scott quickly apologizes.

             "You do it again and I'm gonna beat your ass." Austin threatens.

             "Should we break this up?" Jake asks. We all look at each other.


We all turn and head to our first hours. This should be an interesting day.

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