Chapter 18: Jessica meets Melissa

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Jessica's POV

                I slowly open my eyes and take in an unfamiliar setting. I then notice the arm around me and I smile remembering I'm next to Jake on his couch. I turn around in his arms to see that he has a peaceful look on his face. I feel a rush of sadness as I recall Jake's story. Melissa ruined Jake so that practically everyone either hates him or stays away from him. Poor Jake. He didn't deserve this. I still wanna know why she did it. And despite Jake's warning I'm gonna find out. I will just keep Jake out of the loop as I do it.

                I jump as Jake's doorbell rings. I carefully untangle myself from Jake's embrace and stand up. I run my fingers through my hair as an attempt to look decent. I slowly walk over and open the door to see a girl about my age.

                "Umm hi?" I say.

                "Hi, is this the Miller residence?" she asks.

                "Yes..who are you?" I ask.

                "I'm Marissa Jones. Who are you?" She asks eyeing me.This is Marissa!? Okay, nows my chance.

                "Hi Marissa! I'm Jake's best friend Jessica." I say. She gives me a weird look.

                " Jake home?" She asks.

                "He is. But he's sleeping, so if you need to leave him a message or something??" I ask.

                "Yes, please tell him that I'm back in town and that I need to see him as soon as possible." She says.

                "Alright." I give her a forced smile.

                "Thanks Jessica." She says before turning and walking back to her car. How stupid does she think I am? I'm not letting Jake see that bitch again. She'll just destroy his life again and I'm not gonna let that happen again. I close the door and walk back into the living room to see the tv is on. I walk over to the couch to see Jake still laying down but flipping through channels.

                "Who were you talking to?" Jake asks as I lay back down next to him.

                "I was on the phone with my mom." I quickly lie.

                "Oh." he replies.

                "yep." I snuggle into his arms and watch tv with him.

Jake's POV

                I couldn't help but feel like Jessica was lying to me about who she was talking to. She doesn't have a reason to lie to me though. Whatever. Jessica ends up going home around 10 pm, which makes me sad, but I will see her when I pick her up for school tomorrow. I get ready for bed, send Jessica a goodnight text and crawl into bed. I lay staring at the ceiling for a bit thinking about Jessica before my eyes slowly close and I drift off to sleep.

                The next day at school everything was normal till lunch. I was sitting with Jessica and Austin. Suddenly the cafeteria goes quiet and Austin stops talking.

                "What?" I ask Austin, who just points behind me. I turn my head to see Melissa. Great, just great.

                "I see you didn't get my message." She glances at Jessica. I look at Jessica who won't meet my gaze.

                "What are you talking about?" I ask.

                "Your 'best friend' was supposed to give you a message for me." Melissa says putting air quotes around best friend.

                "Jessica is my girlfriend." I raise an eyebrow.

                "Wow…I knew you cheated on me!" She screams.

                "What are you talking about!?" I ask.

                "First, you rape and abuse me forcing me to move away! And then you cheat on me!?" She starts crying. Has the world gone to pieces!?

                "Melissa you aren’t even dating Jake!?" Austin speaks up. Reminder to self, thank Austin later.

                "Austin shut up! You don't even have the balls to tell Madison you are in love with her, so why speak up on Jake's behalf!?" Melissa smirks. I look at Austin expecting him to run out of cafeteria, but instead he gets a very determined look on his face and stands up. He climbs on top of the cafeteria table and looks around. I follow his gaze to see Madison with Brad.

                "Madison Bertini?" he starts. I watch as most of the students pull out their phones and start recording.

                "From the day I met you I knew there was something special about you and as time went on I started to realize I liked you..more than I probably should have. But after our Sophomore year, I  knew that I loved you, but I kept my silience and waited for the right moment. But by Junior year I was starting to give up hope, because you dated guy after guy and I had to sit there and watch you get hurt. And here we are Senior year and I still haven't told you how I feel so here goes." Austin glance as me. I give him an encouraging nod and he nods back and looks at Madison again.

                "Madison, I'm in love with you. You are the first thought on my mind in the morning and the last thought before I go to sleep at night. I love everything about you from the perfume you wear, which is Victoria's Secret, to the way you dress every day. I love that little habit you have of biting your lip when you are nervous." I look at Madison to see she is biting her lip. Hmm never noticed that.

                "I love that you always have to brush your hair with 100 even strokes before you can sleep. I love you alright? Everything that makes you. I was too afraid to tell you and now that I've told you, will you please be my girlfriend and my date for homecoming?" He asks.

                Everyone stares at Madison who gets up and walks over to Austin who gets down off the table and meets her halfway.

                "Austin Carter Mahone…" She start here comes the bombshell.

                "I have waited 3 years to hear those words come out of your mouth." She grins.

                "So is that a yes?" Austin asks. No Sherlock she said no…I swear..

                "Yes!" she exclaims. She then throws her arms around his neck and kisses him causing the cafeteria to erupt in applaud. I turn to look at Melissa who isn't there anymore. Good, glad she's gone. I turn to Jessica who is crying and smiling. Girls….

                " are my best friend now huh?" I ask her.

                "Yeah, sorry I lied..I didn't want her to start crap again." She confesses

                "I understand." I say. Aww, she was trying to protect me. I have the best girlfriend in the world. Which reminds me I need to ask her to homecoming, but how? I want to do it in a special way. And then it hits me and I grin. If she doesn't say, yes, though I have no idea why she wouldn't, then I'm gonna be hurt. I'm gonna need Austin's help, but he's kinda busy macking on his new girlfriend's face. Oh well I'll put the plan into effect tomorrow. This should be easy.

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