☾ TWO☽

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It was a Saturday night when Jean Grey asked me if I wanted to go to the movies with her and her group of friends. The group including nearly everyone who helped stop apocalypse.

Which really confused me as to why she invited me, but I figured it had something to do with the fact that I had been tutoring nearly half the group of friends- including Peter, Jubilee and sometimes even Jean depending on the subject. So I summed it up to believe that they just felt bad for always asking me for help and never giving me anything in return.

I agreed obviously, I wasn't exactly someone who everyone at school was tripping over each other to get at. I would take what I could get, even if it meant I had to be around Scott Summers for a few hours of my life.

So I put on some decent clothing and my woolen gloves and put up my hair, and made my way downstairs to the garage where we were meeting before taking off. As I walked in I was met with nearly everyone aside from Jean and Scott, which caused me to think that they were late because there was some fonduing going on. But it was none of my business, even if I would get my answer as soon as they walked through the door.

That was the annoying part of my mutation, I always knew how someone was feeling. It was almost like people radiated their feelings and I was able to sense it. For example Jubilee was so excited to get out of the house for the evening, and Kurt was a little nervous about how people were going to react to him at the mall (hence the blue skin and tail)

That was the one part of my mutation I could not control, I would always know what someone was feeling from the moment they stepped into the same room as me. The other part of my mutation was if I ever took my gloves off and made skin contact with someone I would know everything about them. Everything from their favorite color to their worst nightmare, every thought, every memory- everything would be open for me to see.

But it didn't stop with human contact, I could touch any object and learn the function, history, and mechanics of said object. Basically if I ever needed to know something, someone could set a book on the topic in front of me and I wouldn't even need to open the book to have the whole thing memorized in seconds.

Having this mutation sorta explains why I was a damn good tutor, and why I was invited tonight.

"Amberle! I'm so glad you're coming with us! And I LOVE your outfit- even the with the gloves" Jubilee exclaimed to me as she stood their in her bright neon outfit, a real contrast to my earth toned clothing.

I smiled kindly at her before looking to everyone in the vast garage "Thank you all for letting me come, I'm excited to finally get out of the house" I chuckled softly. Kurt stepped forward and smiled largely at me "I am very happy you will be attending the movie with us tonight"

I nodded at him and opened my mouth to respond when the door behind me open to reveal Jean and none other than Scott, his cheeks rosy and a small smirk gracing Jeans lips. Their current emotions hitting me like a wave- Jean felt as if she had just been informed of some vital gossip information and Scott just seemed embarrassed.

"You came! I'm so happy!" Jean rushed me and pulled me into a tight embrace, I involuntarily stiffened but relaxed as I realized that I had my gloves and it was alright, I hugged her back before she pulled away and smiled at me. She then turned to everyone else who was in the garage and motioned to the car "Everyone ready? The movie stars soon" she took charge and sat in the passenger seat, leaving the rest of us to follow suit.

Kurt, Peter, and Storm hopped in the back, Jubilee hopping on Peters lap- who then gave off waves of excitement as the vibrant girl smiled at him. Scott moved to the drivers seat since he was the only one in the group aside from Jubilee to be permitted to have a license. I stood there for a moment in panic and slight angst, before Jean stepped out and motioned to the middle seat in the front "Hop on in Am" her kind eyes encouraging me, her mind reading abilities obviously blaring my uncomfortableness in her head like a siren. I smiled at her in thanks before stepping into the middle seat- right. Next. To. Scott.

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