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It was Monday morning when I saw him again.

It was the first class of the day, and he already had a swarm of girls around him. I pretended not to notice, engulfing my attention in the cup of tea in my gloved hands. Imagining what it must be like to be one of those girls who was all over him, gloveless fingers wrapped around his bicep as he tried not to notice. He told them to get off but the smile that found its way on his face told them to keep their hands there.

I blinked and looked away, the two girls emotions slamming into me like waves- lust. I tried to focus on his, frowning I found that I couldn't register his emotion. I frowned deeper at this and looked up, his attention was to the girls- so I knew there was no way he was blocking me out. I don't even think he knew how to do that.

A flash of red hair caught my attention- Jean. She had her head resting in her palm, but her fingers were pressed to her temple. She was blocking his emotions from me.

I felt a pang of betrayal run through my body, my mouth falling open slightly. Why would she block his emotions from me? I'm sure she knew that I felt a abundance of butterflies tingling in my stomach when I saw him, a mini crush essentially. But why would she not allow me to feel what he was feeling?

I wasn't sure what he felt about me, but even if he had no feelings back for me- I'd like to know. And the fact that she was blocking him from me, made me wonder why. I frowned at her and focused my attention on her, trying to figure out what she was feeling.

She must've sensed that I was trying to get into her head because she made eye contact with me, her blue eyes meeting my blue and gold ones. Her face clearly begged me not to delve but I wanted to know why she was blocking me from herself and Scott. I frowned deeper as I pushed my abilities, I felt her wall crumble a little. I caught a glimpse of panic come from her as she realized that I was crumbling her wall, she was probably not used to not being the strongest one with mental abilities (aside from the professor obviously)

I felt a bit more of her wall crack, I was almost able to get into her mind and feel what I wanted.


I immediately snapped out of my mental battle with Jean and turned my attention to the voice that just called me- Hank.

His right hand held a rather large cup of coffee and the other held all the notes for today's class. He had a frown on his face as he looked between Jean and I, wondering what our epic stare off was for.

He blinked at me a few times before turning to the class, beginning his introduction. I looked down at my tea and realized it was probably cold by now, standing I walked Over to the door after nodding at Hank and motioning to my cup.

After rinsing my mug and making my way back to the classroom, I heard voices- getting a waft of their emotions I felt jealously and anger coming from them. I immediately put my head down and quickened my pace, also noting it was one of the girls who were all over Scott before class.

"He said he couldn't go on a date with me! Can you believe that?" One of them said, there was a scoff that came from the other.

"He said he was waiting on someone and that he wasn't interested" another scoff.

I held my breath at the news.

I walked past them with my head down as I neared the door to the classroom. Their voices fading as they walked farther down the hallway.

But as I opened the door to the classroom and felt all eyes in the room land on me, but I only trained mine on one person.

Jean Grey.

☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾

Later on in the evening after class, most were out in the common rooms. Or out in town doing whatever it was there is to do here.

But I was searching all over the entire damned building for one person. Jean.

I knew she was hiding from me, otherwise I would've found her in her room, or the library, or even with the others. But I had checked all of those places and there was no trace of her. I even went as far to ask Jubilee and Kurt, who both claimed they had no clue where the redhead was.

I sighed in frustration and fumbled with the gloves on my hands, tugging on them as I realized that I would never get any information about Scotts mystery girl. I felt disappointment course through me, leaving me feeling slightly down.

That was until I heard my name being called.


I turned to my right and nearly chocked on the air in my lungs as Scott Summers smiled at me. His stupidly wonderful, perfect smile. I blinked at him and smiled back "Hey Scott" I tried to play cool, messing with my covered hands again.

"What are you doing right at this moment?" He asked, a ghost of a smile creeping onto his lips as he raised a brow at me.

I frowned playfully at him, I could feel the corner of my lips tug "Nothing really, why?" I looked behind him, wondering where his posey was. He caught on to my glance and shook his head "Nope, no one else just you and me- we're going to go get shakes." The smirk on his face nearly taking up all the space on his lips.

I felt my face breakout into the largest smile possible, my face nearly hurting. I nodded my head then frowned "do I need to change?" I looked down at my outfit- jeans and a t-shirt and converse. I looked back up to him and he was shaking his head "maybe a coat- but you look good other than that, it might be cold" he smiled at me and I felt a blush creep on my cheeks.

I mentally shook my head when I remember the mystery girl he was waiting for, this wasn't an outting of any significance- simply two friends going out for shakes.

I nodded at him "I'll go grab a coat, then I'll meet you in the garage?" He nodded and I turned to head up the stairs to my room.  A stupid grin on my face as I walked away.

☾ ☽

I couldn't stop the smile on my face as she walked up the stairs to go grab a coat. She actually said yes! And it was going to be just the two of us, and even though I hadn't really asked her on a date I couldn't help but feel that maybe in the future I could- ask her out on a date. I was way to damned excited for it to be just be the two of us, just me and her and some nice music and milkshakes.

I had my hangs dug in my pockets as I walked to the garage, and I couldn't help but wish it were her gloved hands keeping mine warm.

The Art of Knowing You | scott summersWhere stories live. Discover now