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I don't think the searing red across my cheeks was ever going to leave, or the butterflies in my stomach for that matter either. I didn't mind though, as long as she kept holding my hand- I didn't care.

I had never felt so many things all at once in my life, well aside from when Alex died- but those weren't positive emotions. Being Amberle made me feel happy and giddy. I never wanted to feel anything else for the rest of my life, and every time I thought of loosing these feelings and these moments where it was just the two of us- I tightened my hold on her hand just a little bit more. Although she wore her gloves around me still, I longed to feel her skin on mine. I wanted to be able to hold her flesh hand, I knew that she wouldn't be able to control her powers once our hands made contact, but I couldn't care less- I just wanted to be able to interlace out fingers.

My mind kept wandering to these thoughts, leaving me staring off in the middle of some awkward situations. "Scott!" my thoughts were interrupted as Jean waved her hand in front of my face. I shook my head and looked at her then everyone around, that being Jubilee, Peter and Jean. I wasn't sure where everyone else was, but our class got out early because the teacher wasn't feeling too well and decided to cut class short.

"Dude, you were out of it for like a solid two minutes. Were you thinking about Amberle and you kissing again? I think you may have a serious issue there bud, need someone to talk to about it?" Peter asked with a playful smile on his face. I simply rolled my eyes at his comment before looking down to the homework that was scattered across the table, I don't think I could do any of it right now- I would much rather do literally anything else. "I bet he was, he was wasn't he Jean? I could almost sense his thoughts and I'm not even able to read minds" Jubilee mumbled the last part under her breath as she chuckled, causing Jean and Peter to laugh too.

"You two are so funny" I mumbled out as I shook my head again, picking up my pen and attempting to focus on the math problems that were assigned as homework. "I think it's pretty funny myself" Jean smiled while looking around at the three of us "And besides I CAN read your mind, and it's completely flooded with thoughts of Amberle. Why don't you go try and find her? You're not going to actually get any homework done, might as well stop pretending and go actually spend your time the way you want to" she gave me a knowing look- a brow raised and a small smirk on her lips.

"Yeah Scotty, go find your girlfriend and smooch. It'll be just like a movie" Peter taunted, causing an uproar of laughter from the three. I laughed too and started to collect my things, I stood up at nodded to them "See you guys around" there were some snickers before Peter made another comment "Yeah right dude" and there was another erupt of laughter from the table. I just kept walking, a small smile on my face as I tried to hold in the laughter that was threatening to spill. I wandered out of the library just in time to miss someone shushing the group aggressively.

I aimlessly wandered the halls trying to find Amberle, I had already checked her usual places- the library where I had just come from. The greenhouse, the kitchen and even the living room, but I couldn't find her anywhere. I was wandering down the hallway where all the classes were when I caught a glimpse of her blonde hair through a small window into one of the classrooms, she was sitting in the front row of desks- and I couldn't' stop the smile from growing on my face because of course she would be in the front row. And of course she was in a class with all the AP seniors- their classes usually meaning it was college level stuff that any NORMAL person couldn't do. But I guess if you were like her or Jean, you could do anything really.

I glanced at the clock in the hallway and saw that there were only fifteen minutes till her class got out, so I leaned against the wall and decided I'd wait for her.  I shoved my hands into my coat pockets and let out a sigh, this was going to be a long fifteen minutes.

I dinked around and finally the door opened, her class flooding out into the hallway and out to do whatever it was they had planned for the rest of the evening. She was one of the last ones out of the room, her bag hung around her shoulder and was resting against her hip- wool gloves covering her hands. She was wearing a white shirt that was tucked into a jean skirt with tights, her hair was up and she wore a light pink sweater over her outfit- in other words she look adorable. I smiled at her as I hoisted myself off the wall so she would see that I was there and waiting for her, And when she did a giant smile overcame her features and my heart skipped.

"How long were you waiting?" she asked, her hands reaching out for mine. I smiled at her "Not too long, how was class?" I squeezed her hands in mine gently before lacing our fingers together in my left and her right. She sighed "It was fine I guess, boring- but class isn't supposed to be fun necessarily I guess. How was yours? Got any homework?" We walked down the hallway that would lead us back to the main stairwell "A few math problems but class got cancelled today so I was with a few of the others in the library doing it, so I don't have much left" I led her down the stairs and out into the main room, the light from outside shinning through the glass windows on the main front door and the windows on either side of it- casting colorful lighting throughout the room as we stood there.

"Where to?" I asked as I looked at her, the lighting from the glass windows making her look like a rainbow of colors and art. She was art all in herself, and I was so very lucky to have her. So without thinking I leaned forward and kissed her. She kissed back but pulled away and looked at my with question in her eyes "What was that for?" her face a little schrunched up- she looked adorable as hell.

I shrugged my shoulders while smiling down at her "Just cause, I'm glad to call you mine is all" Her cheeks turned completely red at my words as a smile grew on her lips, she reached up and kissed me. She pulled away again and looked me in the eyes "Same"

The Art of Knowing You | scott summersWhere stories live. Discover now