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I woke up with a start, not quite sure where I was- but a pain my skull that ached with every beat of my heart reminded me very quickly what had happened. I remembered how the mission was going smoothly- it was supposed to be a quick little easy one, nothing too hard. But when we arrived to the scene we were all rather confused, it was some old building- looked like it hadn't seen any life at all for at least several years. We shrugged it off and went inside, the place smelling of mold and dust- which also happened to be lining nearly every freaking inch of the place.

We wandered farther inside and found this weird symbol as we searched along- it looked like an angry octopus. I really didn't think much of it, I mean the whole place looked like it hadn't been used in forever. But we were wrong, once we got deeper inside we came upon a room that held these odd looking chambers. They looked like there was freezing cold air flowing through them constantly, all of them but one were empty.

The one that caught attention held a woman inside, she had dark brown hair and looked like she was sleeping. She was also sorta dressed funny, like she had been picked up off the streets during the 40s or something.

Seeing this concerned the lot of us, Orroro seemed very concerned and claimed that we needed to find a way to get that poor woman out of there. So we all spread out trying to find a way to get the woman out.

I'm not really sure what happened or how those people figured out how we were there, but one moment I trying to find a bathroom, then the next theres some shouting and then I feel a pain on the back of my head and I'm out cold (I know, not the most honorable way of going out, but I had to pee really bad)

And that's How I woke up, chained to a wall hearing the groans of everyone else as they too came through and woke up from their sleeping state.

I could hear the others incoherent words as they mumbled to each other and what not, but then I heard someone whispering my name "Scott, Scott! Wake up dude, but like- don't open your eyes." Peters voice sounded muffled as he spoke to me.

I frowned at his words "Why not? Why do you sound funny?" I asked, the others still whispering.

There was a scoff from someone then another voice rang out "They took your fancy goggles Scott, and I don't wanna die by laser so please, don't open your eyes." this time it was Orroro who spoke to me, she too sounding like she was muffled.

"Well how the hell are we gonna get out of here then? If I can't see?" I asked with irritation laced in my words. I let out a frustrated sigh and tried to bring my hands up to my face and rub my eyes, but found that they were strapped down. I struggled against the strong metal cuffs, finding that they were not only clasped around my wrists- but also around my ankles and waist.

"Oh come on!" I let out a annoyed grunt "Are we all chained down? Where the hell are we?!" I yelled out. I couldn't help the flash of fear that went through my body, mixed in anger. How could we have been so stupid? We shouldn't have been caught, if only I hadn't chugged the stupid soda on the way here.

"We're all in tank looking things Scott, almost like the one that lady was in earlier. And we are all cuffed down as well. I haven't seen anyone come in yet, so I don't know who we are dealing with here but they also took all our gear and any weapons we had" Kurts thick accent filled the room.

I let out another large sigh "Any chance of us getting out of here that any of you can see?" I asked, my voice muffled to the others.

The Art of Knowing You | scott summersWhere stories live. Discover now