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Summer break had finally come, and like what most had hoped to be doing- I was sitting in my air conditioned room doing absolutely nothing. With no classes to fill my time and no homework to cause me any stress, I had found myself doing nothing more and more.

I would be with Scott or Jean, but they were currently out on a mission with the rest of the X-Men. And since My powers were still coming along (And taking their dandy time) I was stuck at the school, wasting away in near death of boredom.

A lot of kids had gone home for the three month break, meaning that the whole place was nearly empty aside from the kids like me and select others who were not welcomed back home.

I would be at my grandparents but they had decided to travel to Iceland for the next month or so, leaving me here at the school since there was no other option.

Not that I had a problem with being here, it could just get very boring when the others went on a mission for days at a time and no one was around for me to talk to.

Don't get me wrong- Hank and the professor were cool, but I also didn't want to be hanging out with them for hours upon hours just to sate my boredom.

So that's how I spent most of my days while the others were gone- reading, going outside and trying to tan, and hoping my mutation would evolve and grant me with something more useful than the ability to transfer and take memories and thoughts.

It was a rather boring time.

I let out a sigh as I laid with my head dangling off the side of my bed, my back laying on top of my covers and my knees bent. Oddly enough this was a rather comfortable position, it really stretched out ones back if they laid just right.

I was staring at my door, hoping that Scott or Jean or Kurt or someone would come and relieve me of my boredom. But I knew that neither Scott or Kurt would be coming back home anytime soon since they just left for their mission last night. And Jean was able to go home, so that's where she was currently.

Jubilee too got to go home, so I couldn't go to her in my bored state. I would kill just to have one of my friends back to hang out with, lately Hank and Charles had been on me about practicing my abilities. They'd have me work with Raven for countless hours, her egging me and aggravating me in hopes of my new mutation making an appearance.

But it all seemed futile since nothing seemed to be happening, I was still limited to sending and receiving thoughts- nothing that could be of real use on missions with the X-Men. That's why I wasn't currently on the mission with the others, it wasn't "safe" enough for me to go- not that I disagreed, but I was still bored.

I had already read and re read several books that I owned, I had listened to every music tape that I had- including the ones Scott had given me to Christmas and my birthday.  He had given me a few tapes of his own that I could listen to since he was "tired of hearing me complain about having no music"

I didn't blame him, but he and I really didn't have similar music taste. But he was trying, and I guess that was sort of adorable.

I let out another drawn out sigh, trying to think of something to pass the time while I waited.

I could start on my summer assignment, but who worked on summer assignments in June?

I wasn't bored enough to do homework just yet.

I could go outside and swim, but I would either be surrounded by small children or be around older kids and be utterly alone. Neither sounded very appealing.

There was a sharp knock at my door and I nearly fell off my bed in shock

"Yes? Who is it?" I asked

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