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I woke up the next morning feeling as if I was in a daze, the weather still cloudy outside but no longer storming. My room was light with the sun that was trying to peak out from behind the overcast clouds, leaving my room not super bright but enough to wake up nicely and not become blind. The smell of waffles were rafting throughout the house, reaching up to my room and making my brain wake my body up even faster as my stomach ached for food. I was wrapped in my comforter, my bare legs not only laying against the clean sheets but also wrapped up with Scotts. His warmth not only keeping me warm, but reminding me of how he felt every time he looked at me. I could still almost sense what he would feel when he looked at me while walking into the room- warmth and giddiness. Reminding me of a love sick puppy, heart eyes and all.

His arm was slung around my waist, holding me in place and close to his body. I smiled softly at this- even In his sleep he was trying to hold me near him. My back was rested against his chest, our legs entwined and his breath tickling the back of my neck. I pulled myself from his grasp and turned over so I was facing him, his arm was still around my waist as I tucked my head under his chin and against his neck. I pressed soft kisses to his neck as I felt his slowly stir from his sleep, his arm around my waist twitching as he came to consciousness. I had my arms folded in front of me and against his chest, feeling rather cozy in my new spot.

I felt him stir some more before his raspy morning voice broke the silence of the room "Well hello there" I could almost see the smile breaking out across his face like the sun had only hours ago, But I think his smile was far brighter than any star in the sky. A smile was tugging at my own lips in between the soft kisses I was placing on his skin, his skin warm and inviting. I nuzzled my nose against the side of his neck "Good morning" My own voice raspy from the morning. His arm tightened around me and he pulled me impossibly close to his body, his heated skin warming my cold finger tips as they sprawled against his torso "It is a good morning" he said before placing a kiss on the top of my head.

I pulled away from his neck to get a better look at his face, his eyes closed as a smile was tugging on his lips- his features light and young looking. He always looked far younger without the glasses on, I couldn't help but love the way he looked without them on. He just seemed far less "business" and so much more just Scott, he was always relaxed without them on. I think he sensed my mix matched gaze on his face because he scrunched his nose "No fair, I can't look at you" but I only rolled my eyes at his words and leaned forward to place a kiss on the tip of his nose "You can see me when you put your glasses on, whenever you choose to put them on. No rush at all, I rather enjoy looking at you without them on. It's like I'm actually seeing you, you know?"

I traced my finger over his features lightly as I spoke, trying to make sure I would always remember what he looked like in this very moment- young, relaxed, and in love. The smile never leaving my face as he let me trace his face over with my finger, but his reached down to grab my other hand in his own- playing my palm and tracing the heart-lines that were part of my skin. His fingers playing with my own "Well I enjoy holding your hand, without the gloves on- I'll admit that I do agree with you, this is the best part of your situation" he placed my hand to his cheek with a smile on his face, his hand holding mine in its place.

"Don't get too attached, remember what the Professor said? It's only temporary, soon I probably won't even be able to make skin contact without knowing everything about anyone or anything" I grumbled as I thought about not being able to touch Scott ever again, or at least without dealing with knowing everything about him. I knew we were not there yet so being able to touch him once my mutation decided to come back was not going to be an option, even more so if it "evolves" and becomes even more powerful or touchy.

The Art of Knowing You | scott summersWhere stories live. Discover now