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I followed behind Scott closely, our hands laced together as we walked down the hallways to the professors office. It was pitch black outside, giving the mansion a eerie vibe. All the antique decor didn't really help much either, it almost felt like we were in some horror movie.

The storm raged on outside, thunder and lightning crackling across the skies as clouds completely filled up the night skies. Rain was hitting against the windows viscosity, what would normally help me fall asleep was stopping nearly everyone from falling asleep. I clutched onto Scott's arm, clinging to him as we neared the room where the professor was waiting for us. What would he say? Would he even know what's going on with me?

I felt my inner anxiety rise, panicky thoughts began filling my mind even more. We now stood in front of the office doors, the old wood looking like it needed to be replaced, the gold handle looked out of place against the dark wood. I gazed at the door and felt Scott turn to look at me, he brought my chin up to look him in the eyes "Hey, it'll be alright. He'll know what to do, he always does" he offers me a hopeful smile. I just nod to him before he opens the door to reveal the professor himself sitting at his desk, and Hank standing next to him with a concerned look on his face as he took the two of us in- his eyes landing on my gloveless hands that were gripping onto Scott's arm and hand as if he was my life line- his eyes widen in concern at that.

"Amberle, Scott, come on in and have a seat" Professor nodded at us with a kind smile gracing his lips. I was frozen in my place until Scott basically forced me forward, the two of us sat down. I clung to the arm rests of the old chair hoping that this wasn't real, that this was some strange dream where I lost my mutation. But of course I wasn't getting anything, no emotions from the three minds in the room, and nothing from the chair that was probably full of history that I so desperately clung to.

I felt Hank and The professors heavy gazes on me as I refused to meet their gazes, instead focusing my eyes on the clock that sat on the desk in front of Scott and I. What was going to happen to me? The thought of being forced to return back to my dreadful old home sent my mind and fear into overdrive. I was a mutant, I was happy to be a mutant. I had never hated being a mutant, except the obstacle of not being able to make contact with people- but that was a price I was willing to take if it meant that I was away from that awful place that I called home before I came here. This place was my new home, and I got to be around people who were just like me constantly, I got to help others and learn- I couldn't imagine being anywhere else but here.

I think Xavier must've sensed my internal battle because he cleared his threat and leaned forward in his wheel chair "Amberle dear, please tell us what's wrong. We can't do anything unless you talk to us" his kind blue eyes inviting as they bore into mine. I tore my eyes away from the peculiar clock on his desk to look him in the eyes, I'm sure my anxiety and fear showing through as I did so.

I opened my mouth to try and explain what was wrong but my words got caught in my throat, I didn't really know what was wrong with me. I suddenly lost the ability to use my mutation? Wasn't he able to just read my mind? Why was he trying to get me to talk it out if he could just snap his fingers and know exactly what was wrong?

"Yes I could simply read your mind, but it's much easier for everyone in the room to get an understanding of the situation." A small smile played on his features as he spoke. I shifted in my seat before glancing to Hank, who had shifted his stance and now had his arms crossed as he looked down at me- waiting for my mouth to open.

I sighed out and looked down at my hands, trying to figure out a way to word what was wrong "I guess... my abilities-" I frowned "My abilities are gone" I blinked once before looking up to meet Xavier's eyes, my mixed matched ones meeting light blue ones. He frowned deeply at this as Hank sucked in a breath, Scott just simply remained silent. It was silent for a few moments, and I swear that those few moments felt like forever "what exactly do you mean?" Hank asked.

I looked to him "I can't sense anything from anyone anymore, it's like there is nothing there anymore when there used to be emotion. I can touch people and things and nothing happens" I made a point of pressing my palms to the desk in front of me- further proving nothing was there when my eyes didn't glaze over. "it's like there's nothing there anymore, I-I've lost my mutation- I'm just a regular person now" I managed out the last bit. It was hard to finally say out loud- that I was just a regular person now with nothing special. Nothing that set me apart from anyone else, I was just regular old Amberle.

I felt my eyes burn as I looked at the professor, I was hoping he knew what was going on. I hoped he wouldn't send me back home, I hoped he knew what to say to make everything better.

He took in a deep breath "Do you mind if I take a look?" He motioned to my head with his fingers, obviously wanting to finally use his own mutation to get a better look as to what was going on. I nodded vigorously and stood shakily from my seat, I went and kneeled before him. I peered up at him and felt the others gazes on me as he gently brought his fingers up to my temple.

As he placed his cool fingers on my skin I felt when his mind entered my own, he felt like a warmth was flowing through my thoughts. As he delve deeper and deeper the warmth spread, almost feeling like my whole head was submerged in a warm bath. The warmth disappeared though as he pulled away from my thoughts, his cool contact leaving my flesh as he pulled back. I saw a flash of something cross his eyes before he put a facade over, hiding what he had truly discovered with a smile "I think, that there is nothing for you to worry about. You're just fine Amberle, this is actually common in younger mutants. Your abilities will come and go sometimes, but it's nothing to worry about" he sickly warm voice filling my head with empty words.

I nodded my head slowly at his words "So, there is nothing wrong with me?" I asked with a raised brow, I didn't believe him one bit- but I knew better than to question him. He nodded again "Yes, now why don't you and Summers go treat yourself to some hot cocoa for this stormy weather?" He motioned to the door of his office with his head as I stood from my kneeling position and went to stand by a now raising Scott, who was nodding his head in agreement with him. "Hot cocoa sounds awesome right about now, whatcha think Amb? I know where they stash the marshmallows too" his hands grasping mine in his.

I glanced between the professor and Hank before nodding my head slowly, "Yeah, cocoa sounds good" I said lowly before turning to lead Scott out of the now stuffy office "Thank you Professor, you too Hank" I nodded to the two before letting Scott close the door and lead us to the kitchen.

I didn't believe Xavier one bit, and I was going to find out what he was hiding from me.


As soon as the door closed and a few moments passed I turned to fully face Xavier "What did you actually see?" I crossed my arms again as I stood there.

He sighed rather deeply and rubbed his face "She's evolving Hank, I don't know how powerful she'll be- but I didn't want her to panic because then it might cause an unnecessary spike and she could loose control. I wanted the evolution to happen at its own pace, that way she'll hopefully be able to handle it better" he looked at me with tired eyes, aging him several years.

I could only swallow and nod once "What should we do then?" I asked him while rubbing the side of my face. He looked to the door where the couple had just left,

"Just let it happen and hope we're there to help"

The Art of Knowing You | scott summersWhere stories live. Discover now