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You know what it feels like when you go swimming in the ocean for the first time? Its cold and its windy and your parents warned you that its not like the pool at the local park, but you think that the ocean would never hurt you or let you drown. But when you go too deep and you can't find the sand beneath your toes anymore and the waves are pulling you further and further out, the fear that seeps into your bones and stings like the salt water is flowing into your mouth and ears- turning your insides cold and salty.

You feel the panic growing inside and swelling with every passing moment that you can't get control again, it makes your vision blurry and your limbs to feel hollow as your struggle to stay afloat.

that's what it felt like when the those words left the professors lips-

"The others were taken"

It felt like salt water was filling my lungs and blocking my air ways, filling me up till it was spilling out my eyes and leaving tracks down my cheeks and splattering on the ground below.

"Wha-What do you mean they were taken?" I heard a voice next to me ask- Hank. His blue eyes wide in fear and confusion as thoughts fill his brain and overflow through his mouth "Who took them?" his words fumbling out his mouth.

I felt like my world had shifted for a moment and I was no longer there, instead I was simply a vessel as I let my thoughts take over my being-

My friends were taken, they were probably scared wherever they were and wondering where we were and if there was help coming anytime soon. What if someone was hurt? or dead?


Scott was with them.

He was taken.

It felt like something snapped and I was thrust back to the present at that thought.

"Where are they?"

I looked to the professor who had a worried expression as his eyes met mine "Amberlee I know you want to go after them but-"

"I'm going after them, they need us and standing here talking isn't going to get them back- they're- we're just kids! Where did you send them? Why would you send them where there was even a possibility they could be in serious harm?" My mix matched eyes filling with anger as I looked at the man I had looked up to for years.

He let out a deep breath and raised a hand to me "Please, you need to calm down- freaking out is not going to bring them back. I already contacted Jean she is on her way back and she is going to help us get them back."

I felt Hank rest a hand on my shoulder "It'll all be fine, We'll them back- don't worry" he tried soothing me.

I couldn't hold the scoff in "Don't worry? I can't not worry Hank! They could be hurt or-or worse! What if they're dead?" I began pacing as thoughts filled every crevice of my brain and causing a head ache to grow.

"Mystique is coming too, she should be here within the hour. Then we'll make a plan to get them all back" Charles voice of reason rang out like a light through a storm in my mind.

But his words weren't enough to sooth the growing pain in my head that seemed to only grow as I kept pacing and thoughts kept racing around in my head.

I closed my eyes in hopes of calming my brain and my thoughts, but It only seemed to make the pain in my skull ache more. I let out a shaky breath as I heard the muffled voices of Hank and Charles trying to help me calm down.

"Amberlee open your eyes and look at me"

I shook my head weakly at the professors words "My head-" I rasped out.

My hands were clasped on either side of my head, I was feeling odd as I stood there trying to relax the muscles in my body but to no avail.

"Open your eyes and look at me" Charles reasoned again.

This time I did as he said and opened my eyes to see a wide eyed Hank and Charles with his hand out in front of him again, the other hand gripping the arm of his wheel chair so tight it was making his knuckles turn white.

"Focus on me Amberlee"

I looked at the professor in the eyes, I could feel the tears tracing down my cheeks as the pain only seemed to stay- not leaving like I had hoped it would.

"What's wrong with me? Something is wrong" I looked at him with fear and pain in my eyes, did he know what was wrong with me?

"You just need to calm down, keep your eyes on me" he said.

I had noticed Hank had taken several steps back and was still staring at me with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open like a fly trap.

I tried thinking of things that would help me calm down- My grandparents, Jean, Jubiblee, Hanks garden, Kurt reading, Scott and I going to the book or music store- Something that would root me back down and help me calm down.

My thoughts brought me to the first time Scott and I had gone to the music store together, he had that camera and snapped a photo of us and said he had liked it.

The pain in my head dulled as I remembered that moment, melting away slowly like ice when the sun comes out.

I focused on my breathing and made sure to breath slowly, lowering my heart rate and trying to relax my tense muscles.

The pain ebbed away and I slowly removed my hands from my head.

I stared at the professor with exhausted eyes since it felt like I hadn't slept for days "What's wrong with me?" my exhaustion evident as the words left my mouth.

Hank and Charles seemed to relax as I calmed down from my episode, Hank taking slow steps towards me- like a scared animal with wide eyes and slow movements.

Charles looked like he was still trying to collect himself and remind himself that he needed to stay calm for the lot of us.

"I think your powers finally manifested" he simply said.

☾ ☾ ☾

Filler sorry!

Dang I'm on a roll
So many updates
(Updated my Steve and Bucky fics too)
So much free time now that volleyball is over!

Hope you enjoyed!


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