Part 14

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Sabrina hated math with a passion. The equations, work, the proofs, all added up to make what Sabrina figured had to be hell.

"Who thought it was a good idea to add letters with numbers?" She grumbled trying to solve the problem.

"It's easy all you have to do is carry the x and divide by 6." Jack laughed.

"Sorry , not all of us are math genius'." Sabrina grumbled turning away Jack who was struggling to contain his laughter.

"It's not my fault you can't solve a simple math problem." he joked packing up his books.


That little sound sounded like heaven to Sabrina's ears since it signaled the release from her personal hell called algebra 2. As she packed up her bags she hurried to her next class.

"Hey watch it." a muffled voice yelled as Sabrina ran into a hard chest. Looking up mumbling apologies she looked up to see the obstruction. It was Puck. "Never mind, get out of my way pus face," she said embarrassed as she tried to side step Puck. He stepped in front of her as she tried to get around him.

"That was rude I want an apology." He stated a smug look on his face.

"No way, I'd say you were out of your mind if you had one. Now move I have to get to class we don't want to be late to class." Sabrina growled.

"You know I have no problem being late to class" He said once again blocking her path. "Apologize or else there is no way you are getting to class on time."

"Fine I'm sorry stink breath." Sabrina said as the minute music started playing signalling that class would start soon.

"No a real apology." Puck wondered why it was so hard for her just to say a real apology. After all she is the one who ran into him and started calling him names.

"Okay, I'm sorry Puck. I wasn't looking where I was going." Sabrina rushed out.

"That's better." Puck said slipping into class with Sabrina right behind him. Just as they got to their seats the music ended.

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