Suddenly, We heard the door open that caused both Eli and I to pull back from each other and look towards the door way.
Jesiah and Lulu were standing there with their eyes wide open. Silence was in the room until Eli broke the silence.
"What do you want!", Eli sighs
"Excuse me? This is my room...better question is what were you guys doing?", Jesiah wiggles his brows at us.
"Yeah what were you up to Giiiaaa?", Lulu adds
"Uh..uh I had to use the restroom", I bit my bottom lip
"Yeah right! We saw you two kissing!", Lulu claps with excitement.
Eli responded before I could even say anything back., "It's none of your business".
"Technically it is my business since you fuckers are in my room", Jesiah laughs his ass off.
"Ew you better not of been doing dirty thaangs on my bed you nasties!", Jesiah adds.
"Ew No!", I yell at Jesiah as my cheeks start to turn red.
"let's get out of his room and back to the party yeah?", Eli suggests grabbing my arm.
I nodded and followed quickly behind him.
Before I exited out of the door I turned back to look at Lulu and said to her, "You better not have sex bitch!".
Lulu eyes widen, "Shut up Gia! Your drunk get out!", She blushes like crazy slamming the door.
Eli and I went downstairs going out to the backyard. Jesiah's backyard was so huge and there was a huge swimming pool with big slides surrounding it.
There was also a jacuzzi next to the pool. People were everywhere!
I looked over to my right to see my girls along with the guys doing body shots on each other.
As I looked around with amazement I stumbled a bit Eli quickly catching me from falling down.
"careful" He says
Eli and I sit down on some recliners near the pool. I felt so nervous around Eli especially after what happened between us in Jesiah's room.
I kept looking down onto the floor knowing Eli was staring at me.
I heard from behind me causing me to quickly turn around seeing Chris marching our way angry.
not to be fucked up, but I totally forgot about him
"What?!", I groan
"What do you mean what? I've been looking for you this entire time! Where have you been?", Chris hissed.
Eli abruptly stood up wrapping his muscular arms around my waist.
"She's been with me", he retorts
"Wtf! You came with me, so that means you have to be with me!", Chris growls looking at me.
"Well as you can see she made her choice.. Stop being a little bitch about it and leave!", Eli cuts me off sounding annoyed.
Chris clenches his jaw and his fists coming towards us.
I was drunk, but not stupid to not know what was going to happen next.
Quickly pushing Eli behind me detaching from his muscular arms, I got between Eli and Chris preventing them to get face to face.

My Bad Girl Ways
Teen Fiction"Why did you do it Eli?!", I growl with tears falling down my cheeks. Eli just stares at me with no emotion and then looks down to the ground. "Fucking answer me!", I hiss my hands flying everywhere. "It's in my nature I'm a bad boy", Eli grits his...