Eli just dropped me off from our usual routine after school, when I noticed my mom's car parked in the driveway.
She's home early
"Hey mom I'm home!", I yell throughout the house closing the door dropping my backpack on the floor.
"Hey baby! Come here I need to talk to you", she replies.
"What?", furrowing my brows as I sat down on the dining table.
My mom turned off the stove turning to look at me, "Your P.O just called earlier today.. Do you remember her?".
I hate when she's sarcastic
"Yes mom.. What does she want?", I roll my eyes.
"Well she scheduled you for your community service class this Saturday", she says with a serious look.
"No!", I whine shaking my head.
"Too bad!", My mom raises a brow.
Why does Lina have to fuck with my Saturday!
I have a date with Eli!
"I have a date mom!", I blurt out.
"A date? With who?", She furrows her brows at me.
"Uhm... I have a boyfriend", I scratch the back of my neck.
She looked at me in silence for a few seconds before saying, "Why haven't you told me? Better yet why haven't I meet him?".
"Sorry I must of forgotten since I hardly see you, but you'll meet him Saturday if you cancel my appointment with Lina", I grin.
"Nope!", She pops the "P".
"Mom!", I whine.
"Stop being a drama queen.. It's only for 5 hours from 9am-2pm", she explains.
5 fucking hours!
"5 hours doing what?!", I shout.
"Watch your tone! Anyways you'll be helping with catering at a meeting for business people", she grins.
"Wtf!", I sigh.
"That's your fault remember?", She reminds me."Whatever fine.. Might as well get these bullshit hours out of the way", I scoff walking away.
"I'm still meeting your boyfriend Saturday!", My mom shouts from behind.
-Ring Ring!
After two rings Eli answers, "Wassup baby".
My heart always skips a beat every time he calls me baby along with our little names
What are you up to?Eli
Nothing just eating some hot Cheetos and you? You miss me?Me
Fat ass! You know you miss me too loser!Eli
Forget you then!

My Bad Girl Ways
Teen Fiction"Why did you do it Eli?!", I growl with tears falling down my cheeks. Eli just stares at me with no emotion and then looks down to the ground. "Fucking answer me!", I hiss my hands flying everywhere. "It's in my nature I'm a bad boy", Eli grits his...