Eli and I burst through the wooden door following my baby's screech cry coming from the room full of wooden boxes newspaper laying out everywhere on the floor.
My eyes land on my baby who's wrapped in a white blanket in a opened box on an old brownish mattress on the floor.
I run towards my baby ready to wrap my arms around my precious angel I missed so much.
A few inches away from reaching my baby a gun fires the bullet going through a box near me causing me to come to a halt letting out a scream.
"Babe is the baby okay?", Eli worriedly shouts a frightened expression on his face.
I glance at my baby noticing everything is fine the bullet was purposely aimed to hit the box near me to scare me.
"Baby is fine!", I huff easing my worst fear down.
"Are you okay?", Eli glances at me aiming his gun everywhere.
"A family reunion well isn't that nice", a sinisterly deep voice utters from out of the darkness.
"Please let me grab my baby.. I won't call the police", I plead beaming at my baby who's crying even louder after the gun shot was fired.
"Make me!", the evil voice chuckles.
"I'm going to fucking kill you.. show yourself!", Eli shouts aiming the gun at this black figure hiding behind the wooden boxes.
Not being able to stand around any longer seeing my baby cry his face turning red. I sprint towards my baby.
Suddenly I hear boxes falling down to the floor. I stop seeing Eli wrestling with the black figure. Within seconds this black figure hits Eli on the head with his gun causing him to fall down.
"Say goodbye to your child Eli!", this black figure sinisterly chuckles aiming his gun towards my baby.
My eyes widen my heart thumping out of my chest. My body becoming hot and cold at the same time.
Without thinking not even for a second I bolt towards my baby.
"Nooo!", Eli shouts as the gun shot sets fire.
"Babe", My eyes flutter open as Eli jolts me peering at me worriedly. I sit up running my hand through my long hair.
"Eli", I screech tears sliding down my cheeks as my body trembles from the horrible nightmare that felt so real.
My hands instantly cradles my baby bump in a protective mode.
"Gia what's wrong? Why are you tossing and turning while screaming?", Eli tugs me in a hug stroking my arm trying to comfort me.
"Our b-baby was taking away from us and some black f-figure aimed the gun at our baby setting fire", I sniffle feeling my heart thump.

My Bad Girl Ways
Teen Fiction"Why did you do it Eli?!", I growl with tears falling down my cheeks. Eli just stares at me with no emotion and then looks down to the ground. "Fucking answer me!", I hiss my hands flying everywhere. "It's in my nature I'm a bad boy", Eli grits his...