Day of the party
"You look beautiful", Nathan compliments giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you Nate", I half smile.
We are entering his company's party taking a seat on our reserved table waiting for everyone to arrive.
I haven't talked to Eli for a couple of days now since our big fight. I guess he really meant what he said to me. Most likely he's screwing around with some whore.
An hour later
Everyone is finally here and Nathan's dad starts the party. Nathan and I go to the table to grab some food to eat.
Once we reach one of the tables that consists of different seafoods I instantly feel nauseous by the smell.
I cover my mouth by my hand holding in my throw up. I quickly run to the restroom leaving Nathan behind calling my name.
Once I burst through the doors of the restroom I go straight to the toilet kneeling down vomiting.
Thinking about the seafood and the smell of it just makes me vomit even more.
"Babe are you okay?", Nathan barges through the door running towards me.
Nathan grabs my hair noticing my throw up in the toilet.
Once I'm done I grab some toilet paper to wipe clean the outside of my mouth flushing the toilet slowly standing up.
"Babe what's going on?", Nathan furrows his brows worriedly.
"I think it was something I ate that made me feel ill", I respond a bit light headed from the force of throwing up.
"Do you want to leave home?", Nathan cuffs my cheek.
"Yes I'm not feeling well I'm so sorry"
"Don't worry about it.. I'm going to see what food got you ill, so I can throw it away.. what did you eat?"
"Pasta that was it"
"Alright babe I'll check on you once the party is done.. my chauffeur will take you home", Nathan kisses my forehead.
I nod turning my heel to exit out of the building.
An hour later
I'm currently vomiting my guts out. It's my third time throwing up in just a few hours.
I stand up from kneeling down on the floor then rinse my face to refreshen myself.
Scurrying on the bed I lay down throwing over the blankets to warm myself up. I was about to close my eyes when I hear a knock on the door.
I get out off of the bed heading out of my room into the living room to open the door.
"How are you feeling babe?", Nathan splutters stepping inside.
"I threw up two more times I think I must of caught food poisoning or something", I respond.

My Bad Girl Ways
Jugendliteratur"Why did you do it Eli?!", I growl with tears falling down my cheeks. Eli just stares at me with no emotion and then looks down to the ground. "Fucking answer me!", I hiss my hands flying everywhere. "It's in my nature I'm a bad boy", Eli grits his...