"Why did you do it Eli?!", I growl with tears falling down my cheeks.
Eli just stares at me with no emotion and then looks down to the ground.
"Fucking answer me!", I hiss my hands flying everywhere.
"It's in my nature I'm a bad boy", Eli grits his...
It's been a couple of days since giving birth to my princess. Everyone is so in love with her. My mom legit cried when she saw her grandchild. Talk about third generation right?
Eli hasn't left my side not even once. He eats and sleeps here with his two girls. Honestly, I'm very grateful for that because I feel safer when he's here.
Soon the Gold family goes back home, because today my baby and I are getting released from the hospital.
"Are you ready?", the brunette nurse smiles.
"Yes", I smile getting off slowly from the bed onto the wheelchair.
Eli is with the baby getting everything signed and ready for us to leave to our home. Everyone else is going to meet us at our place.
"Remember if anything call us at this number", the nurse says handing me a booklet with a number for emergency calls.
"Thank you", I gratefully smile.
Eli steps inside with our baby girl in his hand with our baby bag hanging on his shoulder. I smile at this sight in front of me. He looks like such a dad.
Eli notices me staring at him and smiles already knowing what I'm thinking.
- -
We finally arrive at our home with our bundle of joy. The entire car ride back Eli was super cautious and not speeding like he usually does.
I love seeing this huge change on Eli who would of thought.
Eli helps me get out of the car slowly then after unbuckles Avalyn and carries her in her seat since I can't lift anything heavy until I heal.
I unlock the door stepping inside and quickly notice the sign hanging on the wall.
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Eli and I glance at each other smiling already knowing our families were behind this sweet gesture.
"Welcome home"
Everyone steps out embracing us in hugs and kisses to our cheeks. Luckily for them Avalyn isn't asleep.
"Gwive me gwive me", Juliah says to Lulu looking at Avalyn.
Eli puts Avalyn down gently, so Juliah can see her new best friend.
"Be gentle", Lulu says to Juliah.
Juliah nods smiling at Lulu as she averts away beaming at Avalyn. It's crazy how these two are beaming at each other.
"Bwest fwend", Juliah grins.
Lulu and I smile at each other as we peer at the next generation of best friends. Our next generation.
"Let me grab my precious grandchild", April chirps unbuckling Avalyn from her seat taking her into her arms.