I couldn't believe what I just read... Wait a minute! Yes I can! It's Eli unfortunately!
The entire car ride to my house was so silent. Eli pulled up to my driveway stopping his car.
"Goodnight little girl", he smiles
"Yeah night", I bluntly say feeling pissed about the text
I walked up to the house door getting my keys out of my back pack to open the door rushing inside.
Today's is Jesiah's Halloween party.
I woke up pretty excited, but then remembered I had no date to the party.
I wouldn't care about having dates or not, but since I told punk ass Eli I had a date I felt like I needed one quick!
I doubt Eli would even get jealous I bet he doesn't even like me
I quickly call Chris a gangster guy who's been on my nuts since Sophomore year.
"Hey Chris what are you doing tonight?", I ask rolling my eyes
"Not sure probably hang out with my boys.. Why?", he quickly asks
"Do you want to come with me to a Halloween party?", I say it fast making faces of throwing up.
"Are you asking me out on a date Giaaa?", He cockily says
"It's not a date!", I yell through the phone
"Alright calm down! I'll go with you", he replies
"Good! Pick me up at 7pm at Lulu's place bye", I say before quickly hanging up
I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast when I saw my mom cooking already.
It was rare for my mom to have a day off on Saturday not that I was complaining, I was happy to see her early for once.
"Hey mom!", I squeal with such happiness
"Hey Princess", My mom responds with a smile
"Do you want some pancakes baby girl?", she offers
"Yes please just two though", I smile
Once she was done with her pancakes and mine. She sat down in front of me across from the table.
We started to dig into our pancakes when my mom suddenly asked, "So who dropped you off last night Gia?".
I looked up at her swallowing my food, "Just a friend mom"
"You sure honey? You know you can tell me anything right?", She winks making me chuckle.
"Yes mom I know", I stuff my face with another piece of pancake.
"So mom can I sleep over at Lulu's place tonight?", I bash my lashes at her.
"It's my day off today you don't want to have a movie night?", She says with a frown on her face.
"Sorry mom it's just this sleep over was planned a while ago", I say looking down to the now empty plate.
"It's okay honey I totally understand I was young once too you know", she giggles.
"Thanks mom! I love you!", throwing her a smile.
"I love you too baby girl", she replies with a bigger smile on her face.
I'm at Lulu's house getting ready with all of my friends.
So much excitement fills the room and music bumps loud while we are getting ready and doing each other's makeup.

My Bad Girl Ways
Teen Fiction"Why did you do it Eli?!", I growl with tears falling down my cheeks. Eli just stares at me with no emotion and then looks down to the ground. "Fucking answer me!", I hiss my hands flying everywhere. "It's in my nature I'm a bad boy", Eli grits his...