"Why did you do it Eli?!", I growl with tears falling down my cheeks.
Eli just stares at me with no emotion and then looks down to the ground.
"Fucking answer me!", I hiss my hands flying everywhere.
"It's in my nature I'm a bad boy", Eli grits his...
"Your lucky your fight from the other day didn't affect you", the officer scolds.
I roll my eyes irritated as fuck. Today is the day I've been waiting for this entire four excruciating years.
However I'm grateful for only getting sentenced four years since I was facing up to 25 years to life.
The officer unhand cuffs me as I step to the registry office.
My lawyer, dad, grandfather, and mom are all patiently waiting for me in the waiting room.
My mother's face lights up as she beams at me walking out of the scanner machine.
"Welcome back son", she sniffles placing motherly kisses all over my face.
My father and grandfather tug me in for a hug very happy to have me back.
"Gold Industry Enterprise will be very honored to have you back", my grandfather grins.
It's crazy how this old man still believes in me after everything that has happened. However during my time in jail I managed to kill time doing college courses online and even university courses from in there.
You see people like me with money you can buy what you want in jail. All you have to do is bribe the pigs with money and you basically have them as your bitches.
My mother was in charge to receive my associates and bachelors degree in the mail for me.
After being locked in a cage for four years it feels weird to finally be free. It's crazy how you count down the days and impatiently wait for the day your finally out this bitch and when it arrives you feel almost claustrophobic in a way.
As I step out of the facility looking up into the night sky seeing the bright stars shining so brightly the winds howling and leaves flying everywhere. I inhale the fresh air of freedom.
Once we arrive at our house I've missed a lot I see my two babies sitting on the driveway.
Beast and Karma
I can tell my father really took good care of them while I was away.
"Your so buff now son", my father interrupts my thoughts.
"Four years of lifting weights dad", I smirk showing off my ripped muscles.
After chatting it up with my folks and grandfather. I excuse myself into my room I haven't seen in years.
Everything looks the same from how I left it the last time I was in here. Suddenly I come into a halt from scanning my room.
A little picture is still hanged on my mirror. I step closer to get a better view.
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(Pretend she has hazel eyes)
My eyes almost bulge out of their sockets as I intently beam at the picture of the girl I loved so much in the entire world and honestly still love till this day.
There was not a day where I didn't think of her. She was always on my mind 24/7 all of this four long years.
At nights were the worse since it's when everything is quite and dark. The only sounds you hear are footsteps of the guards that constantly pass by monitoring you. Their keys hitting each other as they walk making noise.
At nights I would always think of her the most almost like if she was calling me to come and get her.
The day I broke her heart into a million pieces seems to always haunt me making me regret my decision everyday.
I shouldn't of broken up with her regardless of what my father said. She loved me and I loved her that should of been enough to get us through all of this.
Gia was willing to wait for me regardless of how much time I got and I fucked it all up thanks to being influenced by my father.
I should of listened to my fucking heart and not what my mind was telling me was right at that time.
"I'm so sorry Elias", my mother barges into my room taking the photo away from my hand.
"What are you doing?", I furrow my brows.
"I totally forgot to remove this picture from your room", she frowns sadly.
"No it's fine", I reassure her faking a smile.
The pain of regret I'm feeling right now is to much to bear.
"How was she on her graduation day?", I mumble remembering how I specifically demanded for my mother to attend.
"It's been four years Elias and your now barely asking?", she raises a brow.
I didn't want to hear it at that time I barely got sentenced since I knew it would only weaken and crush me not being able to be there for her, so I didn't ask at all.
"Answer mom", I mutter.
"She was very happy on her day and looked beautiful but I can tell in her eyes you were missing", my mother responds a sad expression plastered on her face.
"Did you ever tell her the gifts were from me?", I huff.
"No Elias I did what you said.. I told her it was from me now please son don't do this to yourself that was four years ago now focus on now", she advices stroking my arm.
"Yeah", I mutter under my breath.
Once my mother left the room. I laid on my bed staring up at the ceiling. All of my memories with Gia played like a movie in my mind.
This emptiness I'm currently feeling, shit! who am I kidding I felt this emptiness for four straight years that doesn't seem to go away at all is really draining me out making me become a cold hearted, angry, bitter person.
I shut my eyes trying to make myself fall asleep on my first night back. Gia's face is still drifting through my mind making me want to search for her now that I'm back.
After four years I wonder what has became of Gia.
Eli is back ladies and gentlemen!
After all this time he's still in love with Gia... this is cute but sad at the same time.
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