Chapter 72

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Eli's POV

"You guys ready?"

Alex and Xavier both nod getting their guns from the trunk.

"Damn bro what the fuck happened to your face?", Xavier furrows his brows.

"Your baby face oh no!", Alex snorts.

I give Alex a stern glare and he quickly pretends to cough.

"Just an altercation I had earlier nothing major", I plainly respond.

All I could think about is Gia. I would be lying if I said I'm not a bit nervous.

I hope to see her again.

It's midnight stars all over the sky shining brightly down at us.

Crickets chirping while the cold wind howls.

The three of us scurried quietly towards the warehouse.

As we got nearer my heart began to thump faster than usual enough for me to hear my own heart beat.

"Omar and Freddy are right over there", Xavier whispers as we crouched behind some bushes.

I notice a small rock on the ground and I grab it throwing it against a random tree.

As soon as the rock hits the tree stem. Omar and Freddy both snap their heads towards our direction.

"Did you hear that?", Freddy croaks as he warily stares at the tree.

"Yeah let's check it out", Omar demands gripping onto his gun.

As soon as these two idiots walk pass us circling the tree. I immediately bolt at Omar hitting him with my gun on the side of his head.

Alex and Xavier grab Freddy doing the same.

"Where's Julius?", I firmly scold.

"You won't hear shit from me!", Omar scoffs.

My blood flares up quicker than usual not having any patience for anyone tonight.

I pull the trigger letting out a bullet blast through this head. His now cold pale body laying still on the ground.

This is my first time murdering someone. I should be tripping about what I just did, but I'm not. I honestly have no sympathy for any of these bastards.

"Wow", Alex gasps.

"If you don't answer us the same will happen to you!", Xavier mutters aiming his gun at Freddy's head.

Freddy was trembling from fear especially after seeing Omar lifeless body laying near him.

"Please don't kill me!", he begs.

"Where is Julius and the others?", I hastily repeat.

"T-They're inside", Freddy stutters.

Without any permission nor order Xavier pulls the trigger.

"Can't trust none", Xavier scoffs.

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