Ding dong.... I opened the door and there stood Lulu with an annoyed face staring at me.
Great this is going to be fun!
"You have some explaining to do!", She says pointing her finger at me.
"Come in", I sigh
Lulu sits on my couch and stares at me lifting her arched brows at me.
Lulu looked so adorable when she tried to act tough around me.
She's light skinned with light brown short to the shoulders hair. She's short 4'7 with big boobies.
That's what we had in common between Lulu and I...the boobies.
"Soooo?!", Lulu scoffs
"I already told you", I roll my eyes
"Honestly I know when you're lying, so tell me now! Plus what happened to your hand?!", Lulu says with a concerned expression.
"Eli", I responded with a tear falling down my cheek.
"Come over here and tell me everything", Lulu pulls me in for a hug with a very supportive attitude.
I go over and sit next to her and I don't know what happened, but I suddenly let everything out telling Lulu the events of last night, my fist hitting a car's window, and of course my feelings towards Eli as well as that kiss between Eli and I.
Lulu pays close attention to every word I spoke out and was very understanding, but something told me she knew about me liking him before I even knew myself.
After I was done, Lulu just patted my back looked at me saying, "Everything is going to be okay Gia... I'm here for you always and forever.. Your my best friend".
"Thank you", giving her a forced smile.
I proceeded telling Lulu about the phone call with Eli earlier and asked her what she thinks.
"Maybe he's saying the truth about having feelings for you and when you told him that that kiss was a mistake it must of hurt him", she responds.
"Don't compare him to you know who", Lulu adds
"I can't help but think if I would of never walked in on them, they would of definitely had sex! I just know it!", I let out a sob.
Lulu sighs and looks at me before saying, "I can't argue with that myself.. Eli isn't a bad guy though.. He just doesn't know how to handle his emotions you know... He's a guy".
"Well fuck him I ain't got time for that mess when I'm a mess myself Lulu and I can't ever be with someone who's been with my enemy even if it was just a make out session.. you know how much I hate her!", I hiss.
Lulu sighs at me, "you need to let Eli fully explain himself to you because I know you very well. You cut people off not wanting to hear what they have to say. Your stubborn Gia!", She adds.
"I cut him off because it's bullshit... He's a fuck boy like you know who!", I snap feeling annoyed.
"I think you should hear him out then judge, but it's all on you", Lulu insists
I just roll my eyes at her, but deep down inside I'm actually thinking real hard about everything Lulu has said to me.
Lulu gets a call from Jesiah as she turns over to me.
"I have to go.. I'll see you tomorrow at school"
I nod my head at her as she walks over giving me a hug.

My Bad Girl Ways
Teen Fiction"Why did you do it Eli?!", I growl with tears falling down my cheeks. Eli just stares at me with no emotion and then looks down to the ground. "Fucking answer me!", I hiss my hands flying everywhere. "It's in my nature I'm a bad boy", Eli grits his...