Ring Ring!
"Who the heck is calling ugh", I mumbled forcing my eyes to open.
I looked over the nightstand seeing Eli's phone flashing.
I forgot for a moment where I was staying at.
Eli's arms were wrapped around me holding me close to him.
He was still asleep with his mouth partly opened.
He looks so adorable asleep
I couldn't help the smile forming on my lips from the sight of this.
"Eli wake up!", I shoved his shoulder.
"Uhm", He mumbled."Eli!", I whisper louder shoving him one last time.
"I'm awake now.. What?", Eli rubbed his eyes.
"Your phone..someone's calling", I whispered to him.Eli grabbed his phone on the nightstand looking into his phone screen.
"Wtf does Jesiah want! It's 10 in the morning!", Eli says annoyed.
He called back Jesiah.
"Hello dude where the fuck are you and Gia?!", I hear through the phone.
"Relax we're both at my place", Eli answered.
"Gia spend the night at your place?", Jesiah sounds shocked."Yes dumb ass!", Eli scowled.
"Pass me the phone.. I want to talk to Gia!", I heard Lulu's voice in the background.
"Here", Eli passes his phone over to me.
"Hello", I mumbled still feeling hanged over from last night.
"Why are you at Eli's place?!", Lulu questions.
"We were too tired to head back to Yesenia's pad, so we just crashed here", I lied.
"Uhm I don't believe you! You have some explaining to do young lady!", She demands.
I rolled my eyes, "don't you roll your eyes!", Lulu shouts.
She knows me to damn well
"I'll explain later I promise", I reassured.
"Okay you better.. Are you coming to Yesenias to get Aiden's car?", Lulu reminds me.
Fuck! I almost forgot!
"Yes I'll be over right now", I say rushing out off the bed clicking on her.
"Why are you rushing?", Eli furrows his brows still half asleep.
"I need to get to Yesenia's place to get my stuff and take Aiden's car to him like I promised", I reply as I walked towards the restroom.

My Bad Girl Ways
Jugendliteratur"Why did you do it Eli?!", I growl with tears falling down my cheeks. Eli just stares at me with no emotion and then looks down to the ground. "Fucking answer me!", I hiss my hands flying everywhere. "It's in my nature I'm a bad boy", Eli grits his...