You Better Run Part 2

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Liam watches as Mason dumps the remains of the pot into the garbage can.

"Why'd you guys break it?" He asks, sitting himself on the couch, still holding his notebook.

"It was an accident. But mostly Rustin's fault."

"Dad said he's gonna spank him. Are you gonna get spanked too?" He asked eagerly. It was rare for Mason to ever be spanked.

Mason smirks, looking at his little brothers curious eyes. He was such an innocent little shit.

"Well, you better hope I don't get spanked."

"Why?" Liam asked, his eyes sparkling with confusion.

"Because, if my ass hurts I'm going to have to make sure yours does too." He smirks pulling his brother over to him and playfully grinding his knuckles over his already messy hair.

Liam squeaks and squirms, but laughs.

"That isn't fair!"

"Hey who ever said I was fair?" Mason chuckles wetting his index finger in his mouth, pulling it out with a line of spit. "Do you want a wet willie?"

"No!" Liam's eyes widen and he suddenly focuses much harder on his attempt to escape.

"Are you sure?? Because I think it's been a while since you had one, and I'd hate for you to feel left out of all the fun." He teases readying his finger to torment his little brothers ear.

"Mason I'm sure I'm sure!" He squeals a bit more high pitched than he had meant to.

"Aw but what kind of big brother would I be if I didn't make sure my little brother was grossed out and uncomfortable??" Mason smirks and jams his spit soaked finger into his brothers ear rotting it around.

Mason couldn't help but grin as his younger brother's feet kicked, and he squirmed against his body.

"EW! Mason!" Liam whined, gagging as he tried to turn his head away from his brothers hand.

After a few seconds Mason released Liam from his gripe chuckling

"There, now what do we say?"

"Thanks.." Liam mumbled cleaning out his ear, a disgusted look plastered across his face.

"Your welcome."


Mason groaned hearing his father call his name. He was NOT looking forward to this. He hadn't been spanked in like.. like forever. So this was surely going to be a painful and rather unpleasant experience..

Liam grins looking up at his big brother eagerly.

"Dad's calling you!"

"So I heard.. I'm surprised you heard it, with all that spit in your ear."

"Shut up," Liam pouted, still rubbing at his thoroughly violated ear.

Mason laughed a moment before walking down the hall to his father's office. He took his time, glancing at the paintings that hung on the wall, all of which he had walked past billions of times, but was now suddenly interested in them. When he entered his father's office, he was standing near his desk, taking off his own belt. Mason cringed seeing the worn black leather..

"Hey.." Mason began, feeling awkward.

Alex turned seeing his oldest son.

"I'm gonna give you a choice here, since you were kicked in the stash."

Mason stared. Choosing was cruel. Even he rarely made his siblings choose their own torture, it was just too.. too merciless.. torment always seems even more brutal, knowing you were the one who chose such a method.

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