Tv Triumph

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"Will you two knock it off?" Mason frowned, he was TRYING to watch TV, but his two younger siblings continuously seemed to get in the way, squabbling over who the water gun toy belonged to.

"Bri get off!" Liam whined, holding the blue and green plastic water gun high over his head to get it away from the four year olds grabby hands. 

"Liam gimme it back! Dad said it's my turn!" Bri whined in retaliation, standing on the very tips of her toes in hopes to successfully snatch the toy away. 

Mason rolls his eyes, turning up the volume on the TV. His hair mussed back, dressed in a gray hoodie and red joggers. He was.. tired. He'd spent all night awake on the phone with his girlfriend, who was convinced he had cheated on her in Hawaii. Though he hadn't, the argument had ended in a breakup. Therefore he was not in the best mood. And the annoying little siblings were practically begging to be tormented.

"No he didn't! He said to share it!" Liam shouts, trying to sidestep away from his little sister, who always seemed to want to play with whatever he had. Today Liam was dressed in a jean button down shirt, and black shorts. His hair messy, as usual. His neon cast seemed to stand out against his clothing. 

He was starting to get better at using his other hand for most things, but the cast was certainly still annoying.

"Yes he did!!" Brianna squeaks stomping her foot pouting, feeling that Liam was being very unfair. Dressed in pink overalls and a white shirt with sparkly bunnies on it, her hair in a pink bow. 

"I said knock it off." Mason growls clearly annoyed. "If you're gonna fight go do it some place else." 

"Its mine!!"

"Is not!"

"Yes it is!"

Before Mason could stand and give each of them an awful wedgie and noogie for being so annoying, Alex entered adjusting his navy blue tie. 

"I have to run and pick up Rustin from football practice, we're going to stop by the store after so Mason you keep an eye on the kiddos," Alex smiles to them, before taking the water gun and putting it high on the top shelf of the entertainment center "You two be nice to one another, no fighting please."

While his youngest two children groan and whine for the toy back, Alex notices Mason's sulking.

"Something wrong kid?" Alex smiles, shooing Brianna and Liam out of the living room.

"Lexi and I broke up" He sighs, rubbing at his temples, still annoyed she had gone and done that to him. 

Alex nods and smirks messing his sons hair 

"I know it hurts bud, It's gonna hurt for a bit. But you're still a kid yeah? You're gonna date a lot of girls, don't beat yourself up over it alright?" 

Mason sighs and shrugs nodding a bit.

Alex can't help but smile. Mason was growing up so fast and this was the first of many heart breaks.. He couldn't help but to still see Mason as the little boy with peanut butter smeared on his face jumping from couch to couch, watching superman on repeat for hours on end.

"It'll be alright, just give it time. Don't worry about watching the kids tomorrow alright? You go out with your friends, I'll have Rustin watch em."

Mason nods smiling a bit. Surely hanging out with his friends would help get his mind off it, and any night not babysitting was a great one.


"Of course, but for tonight try not to let them burn the house down." Alex chuckles, shouting to Liam and Bri before leaving to retrieve his son from practice.

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