Playground Bully Part 2

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For a moment, Mason could only stare.

"Where were you?!" Liam screams at him, still protectively holding Bri, who wiped tears from her cheeks sloppily.

"I was.. talking to a friend.." He mumbles, kneeling down before the both of them, lifting Bri onto his hip, perfectly aware that she had peed her pants.

She sobbed clutching Mason's shirt tightly.

"What happened?"

"What do you think?!" Liam screamed angrily, hitting is brother hard as he could in his side.

Sure the hit made him wince, but it didn't hurt.

"Why are you holding your stomach."

"H-He gave me a pink belly.."

"Who." Mason asked firmly. His eyes cold and serious.

Liam sniffled. He was incredibly angry at Mason. If he would have been at the bench like he was supposed to be, none of this would have happened. But he did feel relieved that Mason was here now.


"Where is he?"

"I.. I dunno.. He left.."

"What grade is he in?"

"Fourth.." Liam mutters.

Mason thinks a minute. "Which way did he leave?"

"Um.." Liam thinks a minute, looking back at the park. "He went that way.." He points to the sidewalk a few yards away that leads to a few soccer fields.

"How long ago?"

"I dunno.. like a few minutes.."

Mason walks, carrying Bri. Liam stares before beginning to follow his older brother, staying a few feet behind them. He was still angry.

Brianna suddenly sniffles, and lifts her head to look up at her brother.

"I wanna go home.." She whimpers, and from the sound of it, was close to a new set of tears.

"I know hun," Mason mumbles, his eyes scanning for anyone. "Liam you're gonna half to point him out to me so pick up the pace."

She squirms uncomfortable in her leggings, then suddenly bursts into tears.

Mason rubs her back gently.

"Bug its okay, I'm gonna kill him."

"D-Daddy's gonna be mad!" She cries

Mason blinks, but keeps up his pace.

"Why would you say that?"

"B-Because I had an accident.." She sniffles, her cheeks red from crying.

Mason sighs

"Dad isn't going to be mad at you, I promise. I PINKY promise okay?"

Despite her brother's absence during her torment, she nods sniffling, trusting his words completely.

"That's him!" Liam suddenly squeaks from a few feet behind Mason.

Mason looks to Liam, and follows his pointing to a kid kicking a soccer ball with a handful of other kids. Carefully he sets Bri down beside Liam, she whimpers, clinging to him for a minute or two before letting go.

"You're positive its him?"

Liam nods, looking to his shoes.

"Alright. Bri you stay right here with Liam ok?"

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