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"Can you two knock it off already??" Alex growls, glaring at his two oldest children, sitting directly across from him in the blue, grayish fabric seats. Alex's hair was mussed, his grey dress shirt wrinkled on each side, the right side stained with the tears of his youngest child.

"Tell him to quit it," Mason growls, hitting Rustin's shoulders. Mason dressed in black joggers and a white and red hockey jersey, Rustin dressed in gray pj pants and a red hoodie, his hair messy under his white beanie.

"OW! Fuck off," Rustin growls, holding his arm, glaring harshly at his brother.

Alex groaned, watching as another flight attendant hurried past. For being in a hurry, this was taking a long time. They had finally landed in Hawaii.. about two hours ago. At least it felt that way. Nobody was allowed to get off the plane, and reason as to why was still unknown, not that it mattered anyway. They just wanted off.

Liam let out another groan. He wore an Iron Man T shirt and faded blue jean. He sat in his seat, leaning against his dad, his knees pulled up to his chest.

He hadn't.. enjoyed the flight. The pressure made him vomit, and every time they hit turbulence, he would burry his face in his fathers shirt, terrified. On the plane, the brave 8 year old clung to his father, fighting tears.

Brianna hadn't done much better. She wore a pink t shirt with a flower on it, and navy blue, white polka dot shorts.

From the moment the plane took off she cried. But Alex had known this would happen, which is why about 20 minutes before the flight, he gave her allergy medicine, and within 15 minutes, she was out cold. Though she still lay limp against him, he knew it should wear off soon, and if she woke up on the plane, she might have another meltdown.

"MASON." Alex growls harshly, trying to keep his voice down on the crowded plane. The last thing he needed right now was one of Mason and Rustin's fights.

Mason rolls his eyes and leans back in his seat, putting in his ear buds.

Rustin sighs then smirks at Liam.

"Awww baby need a hug?"

"S-Shut up," Liam whimpers.

Alex snaps his fingers at Rustin harshly, warning him to knock it off.  He then turns to a flight attendant.

"Excuse me, could you bring him some water?" Alex asks, rubbing Liam's back, trying to sooth him.

"I'm sorry  sir," The woman smiled, her foundation much to dark for the rest of her. "But in just a few minutes you'll be cleared to exit."

Alex glares, his polite tone suddenly diminishing. "I'm not asking to get off. I asked for water. Now I'm telling you to get water for my son." He growls.

The woman frowns, giving a disapproving look before walking off.

Liam sighs leaning more into his dad.

"How much longerrrr"

"I don't know kiddo, try to relax. Deep breaths."

After the woman brought the water for Liam, it took twenty more minutes before they were all able to get off the plane, and get their luggage.

"OW!" Rustin yelps.

Alex turns to see Mason yanking hard on Rustin's purple boxer briefs, pulling them out of his sweatpants so just the tops of his leg holes  just barely show.

"Mason! God damn it let go of him!" Alex growls, feeling the eyes of strangers on them in the airport.

Mason chuckles before releasing the elastic, smirking as it snapped hair against Rustin's lower back.

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