chapter 14

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Victoria's POV

As promised I was at his doorsteps by 7 and as soon as I rung the doorbell, I could hear the muffled footsteps of coming towards the door. In the afternoon Diana just confirmed that what Aiden said was true and also offered me to come with her.  But looking at Aiden I said that it would me better if I help that baby.  All of us started crackling while Aiden scowled at us.

After few seconds the door was opened by a very cute girl, maybe around 5 years old. She had blond,short, curly hair , her green eyes were really breathtaking as it perfectly had a great complexion with her pale but somewhat tanned skin.

She looked at me, confusion spreading across her face only for a second before it changed into a huge smile.

" Your Vitolia.. ?" She asked, looking at me with those sparkling eyes.

I was instantly intrigued by her cuteness. I nodded and she opened the door wide, revealing a slightly embarrassed Aiden. I looked up at him and saw him smile and then nod.

I felt a tug at my left leg and looked down to see her, motioning me to pick her up. I chuckled and picked her up anyways.

" Hey, what's your name cutie pie? " I asked her as she kept her small and soft hands on my cheek.

" Mia.. " she managed to say. " Are you going to cook me coco..? " she asked me. Coco? I didn't know what she meant so I looked up at Aiden, he mouthed ' cookie ' to me, so I smiled and nodded.

" Yay! Aidy, look Vitolia is making me coco..!! " she exclaimed out of sheer delight.

I felt something warm in my heart looking at that kid.  Looking up at Aiden,  I walked in the house towards the kitchen. After placing her on the kitchen counter I searched for the ingredients. It was easy to find as all things had been arranged in a proper manner and there was a separate section of bakery items.  His kitchen was really big. 

I read out the steps and did the same until the cookies were set to be baked.  Placing them in the microwave,  I started to clean up the mess when....

" Vitoliiaa...  " and then came a scream I looked back and saw that she was at the edge of the counter. I immediately sprint towards her to catch her and in that haste I didn't see Aiden doing the same thing . We both collided and fell down,  I looked up to see Mia still sitting firm in her place and giggling at us.

I heard a groan from beneath me and that's when I realised about our current position.  I watched him as he was straddled beneath me.  Seeing that I immediately got up and looked at anywhere but him. It felt like all the heat in my body had been collected on my cheeks.

He slowly got up while rubbing his back.  His eyes slowly reached mine and then I saw a mischievous glint in them.

" Vic,  if you wanted to lie on me,  you could've just asked.  Why make me fall? " he said while fake-pouting .

I was sure that my face had turned deep scarlet by now.  I scrunched my face in disgust and was about to answer when I saw the flour still placed on the counter,  just beside him. 

Putting on a fake-flirty-smile I walked towards him.  His face changed into something between confusion and shock. Going near him,  I make sure not to let him see my hands going towards the flour.  Grabbing a fistful,  I smile at him wickedly and before he can figure anything out the flour is successfully thrown over his oh-so-soft hair.
Mission accomplished.

After a second of realisation,  he is patting his hair vigorously,  until it's almost unrecognizable as it mixes with his blonde hair.

" So.... you were saying something? " I flutter my eyes and ask as innocently as possible.

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