forty two

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Once Carter's birthday party finished at 10 p.m., I chauffeured some of his friends back to their respective houses while Callie stayed behind and helped my parents gather up all the gifts that he received.

Clearly, I got the short end of the stick. 

When I returned home, Sierra and David were leaving with a sleepy Zach and energetic Xavier in tow. 

"Thanks for the party, man." David said, slapping my palm as a sort of handshake. "And dude, the cake was good as f-" 

Sierra shot David daggers. Since the boys are learning how to speak and understand things better, she wants David to control his crude language as much as possible. So far, it wasn't going very well. 

Jason had made it to the party later in the day, and he decided he was going to crash with Marc and I; just like old times. 

Jason and Marc came out of the kitchen with Felicity and Charley as they were finishing off the remaining cookies and cupcakes. 

"Yo, Nick," Jason said, holding up one of the goody-bags. "Can I have this, dude?" 

I shrugged, "It might be Carter's but he's so hopped up on sugar, he'll be in a food coma for a week."  With my response he smirked and started to dig into the candy. 

Callie came out from Carter's bedroom with my mother. 

"Goodnight kids," my mom said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Jason, you're staying tonight, correct?" She asked. 

Jason smirked and through a mouth full of candy responded, "Yes ma'am, Mrs. R!" but it didn't come out very clearly. I chuckled as I walked over to Callie, who looked totally exhausted. I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head. 

Charley and Max were still sitting on the couch in the living room, playing that nasty Bean-Boozled game after Carter gave them the okay to open it. 

"FUCK!" Charley screeched. 

Max looked up at the rest of us from behind the couch. "It was the puke jellybean!" He exclaimed with a laugh, while Charley gagged from the pungent candy. Max grabbed her a bottle of water and a mint. 

"C'mon, Cal," I said, escorting us out the door. "Let's blow this Popsicle  stand." We walked out the door of my house and we walked next door to the Clarke's. 

"Well..." she trailed off. "This is my stop." She joked. 

I walked up to her and noticed a new necklace I had never seen before. 

I gently grabbed it to examine the locket. "This is gorgeous," I said, opening the locket, looking at the cutest picture ever of baby-Cal and her father. They looked like they had frosting smeared all over their faces. 

"I love it," Callie said, gripping onto the locket. "Almost as much as I love you." She said, kissing my lips with her soft, pink ones. 

How did I get so lucky? 

My girlfriend is the epitome of perfection. 

"I love you, Callie Clarke." 

- - - - - 

"Yo, I heard about Jamaica, man!" Jason said, still gnawing on a Now and Later from the goody bags that my mother put together. "That's sick, dude. Are you gonna like, buy Rasta-colored things and get dreadlocks?" 

I chuckled. "More like I'm gonna eat Vegemite and hang out with Kangaroos; I'm going to Australia, dip shit." I joked with him as I stole a Kit-Kat out of the bag. 

Marc popped a piece of gum into his mouth and asked, "Well what about Callie?" 

"She's coming with me!" I exclaimed. "I'm so excited to share this experience with her..." I said, just daydreaming about hanging out in a hammock by the beach with her, having her on set with me, spending nights together all tangled up in the sheets while we whisper our biggest secrets and fears to each other. 

Jason smirked and snapped me out of my daydream by saying, "Why don't you just marry her, dude?" 

And that's when it happened. 

That moment was when it first clicked in my mind that I was absolutely, totally, completely, undeniably, indubitably infatuated and in love with Callie Clarke and I would be the happiest guy alive if I got to spend every waking moment with her and call her mine. 

I want her, all of her, for the rest of my life. 

She's the only woman I want to love and cherish and spoil and argue with and spend every cold night wrapped up with. 

She's the only person to ever make my heart pound so hard when she walked into the room that I thought it would fall out of my chest and onto the floor. 

She's the only one that can make me happy even on the gloomiest of days. 

I want nothing more than Callie Clarke. 

And that is exactly what I'm going to get. 

After I buy her a ring. 


soooooooo sweet. 

I wrote this myself and the entire time I was so jealous. don't we all just want to be loved the same way that Nick loves Callie and vice versa? 

I think so. 

leave me some comments please because I feel bad for not updating as often and I just want to make sure that you all still love me, despite my procrastination! 

I love you all, and as always thank you for reading my story! 


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