thirty nine

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"A toast, to Nick for this amazing movie, The 5th Wave, and for many more to come!" my publicist, Amy, announced to the table.

"To Nick!" Everybody raised their glasses of Champagne and took a celebratory sip.

Callie, though, was the only one who didn't take a sip.

Okay, something's fishy... Cal loves Champagne!

Why wouldn't she drink? Especially when it's a drink for me, her boyfriend!?

Marc snapped me out of my thoughts as he asked me if I wanted to split one of the huge buttered rolls with him.

I said sure and ignored him as he continued to slice it in half and place it on my bread plate.

What if she's... dare I say... pregnant?

It wouldn't be the end of the world, hell I would love to have a family with Callie!

The only problem is that we live too far apart and we're so young... and what if I get that new movie deal in Australia? They haven't called back yet, but I think I have a good chance at it...

This time Felicity brought me out of my thoughts and asked if Callie was feeling alright.

I shrugged and whispered, "I was gonna ask you the same thing..."

Felicity glanced over at Cal, who was desperately trying to eat her lobster, but she didn't know the proper technique to it.

Thankfully my publicist, Amy, swooped in and helped her out.

I know Cal gets embarrassed easily, even though the things that she sees as embarrassing, I see as adorable.

Cal glanced up with flushed cheeks and gave me the smallest smile I've ever seen.

I just want to know what's bothering her.

Is it me? Is it Felicity? Maybe she's on her period...

I continued to pick at my dinner uneasily throughout the rest of the night, as did Callie.

We both knew something was up, but we weren't sure what it was.

Callie and I did have sex the first night that she and Felicity got here. I guess she could be pregnant...

But what do I know!?

I'm just a 19 year old boy that doesn't know the difference between mascara and eyeliner.

Amy nudged me and whispered, "Snap out of it and pretend to be having a good time for the paparazzi."


I smirked as I looked up at all the wonderful people surrounding me.

Sure, it'd be awesome if my parents and Carter could be here to experience this all with me, but at least I have my selfless friends and co-stars with me.

Marc held up his lobster and made it start dancing, and Felicity joined him.

Such children.

I made eye contact with Callie, and she gave a smile before she excused herself and made her way to the ladies room.

This could be a long night...


"And Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, will always love YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" A drunk Felicity sang along with a sober Callie.

Callie chuckled as Felicity wrapped borh arms around her and kissed her cheek.

"You," Fel pointed a finger right in Callie's face. "You are my best friend and," she belched loudly before she continued to sing. "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii will always love-"

Marc cut her off and gently pulled her away from Callie.

"You," Marc interrupted as he smirked at Felicity. "Are drunk and need some sleep, babygirl."

Felicity kissed Marc on the cheek and chuckled, "Okay Mr. Bossy Pants." She said before slowly making her way up the steps.

Callie sat down by the kitchen island.

I opened up a cabinet and pulled out some UV Blue; her favorite.

"Want some, babe?" I asked, grabbing a shot glass.

Callie looked down at her freshly manicured nails and shook her head.

"No thanks, I think I'm gonna just head to bed.." she said, standing up from the stool.

I caught her before she could walk upstairs and I looked her in the eyes.

"Callie, what's going on?"

She looked down at her nails again, which were a beautiful lavender color, and she shrugged.

"Cal... do we need to talk about something?" I asked, as I walked us into the living room.

We sat next to each other on the couch and she continued looking down.

Cal wrapped her arms around her stomach and let out a huge sigh.

"Okay, I heard some news this morning..." she started off, now looking straight at me.

Shit... this is really happening...

My girlfriend is pregnant.

With my kid!!!

Should I act surprised?

She trailed off and a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"Callie, baby," I said, wrapping my arms around her. "You can tell me anything." I kissed the top of her head.

She wiped away her tears, but they still kept coming and soaked into my t-shirt. But I didn't care.

If I'm about to be changing poopy diapers and cleaning up puke, I can handle a few teardrops on my shirt.




hope everyone enjoyed this chapter!

I'm sorry I didn't update sooner. I've been sooo busy with my new job and school coming up.

but right now I currently have the flu, so I thought, when's a better time for an update???

anyway, let me know what you guys think. leave comments because I love all your silly, sweet, funny, even rude comments (which I don't think I've gotten any of, honestly)

thank you all for reading, lovelies!


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