Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


My feet led me to a big warehouse in the middle of nowhere.  I stayed far behind the two boys I had followed and hid behind a tree as I watched them enter the warehouse.

I bit my lip.  What was I doing?  For once, my mind was blank…I didn’t have a clue what I was doing or why I had followed that boy here.

My curiosity was peaking.  I didn’t understand what it was but something about him sparked my curiosity.

So what was I supposed to do now?

Again, without thinking, my feet happened to move on their own up to the door of the warehouse.  My hands also had a mind of their own as one hand slowly rose and knocked on the door.

The door opened half way to reveal a tall, slightly curly-haired boy with a rolled up bandana in his hair.  He blinked at me with his wide green eyes.  He seemed more surprised by me than I was seeing him.

“Erm…can I help you, love?”

A blush crept onto my cheeks.  Peter wasn’t British, he was Canadian like me, some of the words he used were different from the words commonly used here in England.  I happened to pick up on some of the words from here, I liked the way they talked sometimes, it seemed quite formal and fancy.  I always felt nice when someone called me “love” or “babe”.  Aside from the annoying boy who bumped into me twice now…when he called me that, it was just irritating because of his tone…he was so rude!  Why did I even follow him?!  What was I even doing he-

My thoughts were interrupted at the sound of someone clearing their throat.  I looked up, blinking repeatedly at the boy who still had his head and half of his body peeking through the doorway as he stared at me, waiting.

“Uh…I’m here to see…someone…”  I shifted my eyes nervously as I played with my fingers, pinching them occasionally.  I did that when I was nervous.

“Who are you here to see?”  He asked softly.

“Uh…I don’t know…”  What was his name again?  Jeez, I’m such an idiot.  I followed some stupid boy here and I don’t even remember his name.

His eyebrows furrow for a moment before he softens his expression again.  “How about you describe him and I’ll tell you if he’s here.”

He automatically assumes I’m here to see a boy…do they not have any girls in there?  Did it ever occur to him that maybe I have a friend who is a girl in there?!  Even though I don’t and I am here to see a boy…that’s not the point.

“He’s here.”  I stated, averting my eyes from his again as I added, “I…saw him come here…”

He continued to narrow his eyes at me, appearing very confused by my words but he didn’t get angry.  He seemed quite nice compared to the boy I followed here.

“Alright then.  It’s important that you describe him for me though so I can identify him first.”

“Um…he has lots of tattoos.”

The boy smirked.  “A lot of us here have a lot of tattoos.  You’ll have to be more specific, love.”

“Oh…well…he also has stubble…”  I respond shyly, mentally pleading for my cheeks not to turn red.

He chuckled.  “Again, we have a few here that fit that description.  You’ll need to be more specific.”

I exhaled through my nose.  “He also has blue eyes.”  I said, my tone hinting a bit of annoyance.

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