Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


“So, I don’t know if I should be telling you this but… I bumped into Jane earlier this morning.”  Amanda tells me.  The image of her mouth stretching to reveal her bottom teeth as she worries for my reaction crosses my mind.

“Oh?”  Is all I can manage to say.  I’m not really sure what I expect her to add to this.

“Yeah… she was gloating to me about how she’s ‘replaced you’ in Peter’s life.”

I can’t help the mocking chuckle that leaves my lips.  Of course she’d move right in, the second Peter and I were done.  Hell, she was trying to shove her way into his life when we were still together.

“She lies, Rose.  Peter probably hasn’t spoken to her once since you guys broke up.”  Amanda attempts to reassure me.

“It doesn’t matter anyway.  If he’s not with her, that’s cool, but if he is, I just hope he’s happy.  He deserves to be truly happy.”  And I meant that.  If he was with Jane, I admit I wouldn’t be thrilled about it but it’s only because I question her motives; Peter deserves someone who truly loves him and cares about his happiness.

“Okay… I’m just glad you took that well.”  She lets out a nervous laugh.

“Yeah… by the way, why did you wait till now to mention this?”

“Hey, I’ve been waiting since your abrupt phone call to me last night telling me to cover for you with your parents while leaving out any details as to why I need to cover for you, cut me some slack!”  Amanda playfully remarks.

I giggle.  “Alright, alright.  I’m sorry about that.  But you’re all caught up now.” 

“Not completely.  Tell me about Louis!  The fact that you have to hide him from your parents gives me the idea that he’s quite a character.”  I hear her stifle a chuckle on the other line.

I roll my eyes as a smile curves on my lips.  “He’s certainly an overwhelming character… but not in a bad way.  He’s very exciting and spontaneous.  Let’s just say I didn’t quite know what I was missing in my life until I met him.  I still have to get to know him more but…”  I pause to take a breath; just talking about him is creating a warm, fluttery feeling in my stomach.  “He’s definitely… something.”  I breathily laugh.  “It’s hard to explain.”

“No, it’s fine I get it.”  There’s a smile evident in her voice.  “So when do Jazz and I get to meet him?”

“Um… well actually you kind of already did.”


“Remember that guy that bumped into me when I had that iced latte?”

“That’s him?!?!  That’s who you’re dating?!”  She practically shouts and I’m forced to hold my cellphone away from my ear.

“Yeah…”  I say quietly.

“Wow… so I guess all a guy has to do to get with you is bump into you and make you drop one of your favourite beverages and proceed to give you a snarky attitude about it and you’ll play right into their hands.”

“Hey!”  I scold her, taking offense to her comment.

She laughs.  “I’m just joking with you, Rose.  Relax.”

I exhale and twirl a few strands of my hair around my index finger.

“That didn’t answer my question though… why do you have to hide this from your parents?  Do they even know you and Peter broke up?”

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