Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

Song Themes For This Chapter: Ugly On The Inside – The Maine; Dear Darlin’ – Olly Murs


“B-But… How… How are you-”

“Alive?”  Peter finishes my sentence, raising his eyebrows.  He takes a few steps towards me, keeping his hands folded behind his back.  “Well, it’s not really that hard to explain.  You see, I didn’t die.”  He smiles widely.  It’s such a cocky, arrogant, proud smile and it makes me want to slap it right off of his face.  “Thanks for the help boys, you’re free to go.”

The two men walk past Peter as he hands each of them a wad of cash before they leave.

“But… they found your body?!”  I gasp.

Peter cocks his head to the side.  “Yeah, they found a body… with my clothes that I was wearing that night, my cellphone, my wallet.  All that stuff to make people stupidly assume that it was me.”

“You faked your own death?!  WHY?!”

“It’s part of the plan.  And it’s been working out so well.”  He says, still maintaining that arrogant grin.  “You even surprised me with how well you played into my hands.  That little session you had with Louis before I had my men kidnap you.”  He laughs.  “I really thought you would take his side but you really thought that he killed me.  I’m impressed, Rose.”

I let out a breath as I avert my eyes.  “Louis… he didn’t kill you.  He was innocent.  He was telling me the truth!”

“Hmm, yeah.  Too bad the rest of the world won’t find that out anytime soon.”

“I’ll tell the police everything.  You’ll go to jail for the rest of your life!  My parents, your parents, everyone will realize what a sick person you’ve become!”  I shout defiantly.

Peter chuckles as he steps closer to me until he’s nose to nose with me and I’m forced to tilt my head up to look at him.

“Who says you’re going to make it out of here alive?”  He taunts.

I try to mask the fear that he’s inflicting on me.  I try to tell myself that he’s all talk and that he’s not really going to kill me… but it’s only a small part of me that actually believes that.

“I t-thought you didn’t want to kill me?  I thought you wanted me to suffer?”  My voice cracks.

He smiles and cups the side of my face.  I grimace in disgust and try to turn my head away, but he tightens his grip, holding my head in place.  “I did.  But now I think your time is up.”

“You don’t get to play God.”  I say through gritted teeth.

“Oh no?  Tell that to the dead guy who everyone thinks is me right now.”

“You’ve taken this way too far, Peter.  I know I hurt you but I don’t deserve this.  Louis doesn’t deserve this.  Your family doesn’t deserve this!”

“My family will get over it.  When I’m free to reveal myself without getting thrown in jail.”  Peter says nonchalantly.  “But you?  Your family will unfortunately not be as lucky.  And as for that precious boyfriend of yours, he’ll be accused of being responsible for your death as well as mine.  And after I reveal myself, I can testify against him.  Saying he threatened me and you on multiple occasions and that I went into hiding to keep myself safe from him.”

I angrily spit a wad of saliva into Peter’s face.  He backs away as he grunts and wipes at his eyes.

“Louis taught me how to do that.”  I snarl.

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