Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Song Theme For This Chapter: He’s A Rebel – Crystals


“WELL?!”  My father presses.  His eyes look like they’re about to pop out of his head from how wide they are.

“I-I’m on a date.”  I meekly respond.

“That’s blood ridiculous!  Stop this nonsense now, we’re going home.”  He makes a gesture with his hand for me to come but I don’t move from my place beside Louis.

“You can go home.  I’m staying with Louis.”  I say boldly.

He gives me a hard glare that sends a shiver up my spine.  “That wasn’t a question, Rose.  It was an order.  You are coming home, now.  You have a lot of explaining to do for your mother and I before we send you straight to your room where you will remain for a month!”

“I’m nineteen!  You and Mother can’t force me to do anything especially when it comes to who I date!”  I raise my voice, clenching my fists at my sides.

The anger in his eyes seems to rise as his gaze pierces through me.  The brown in his eyes make them look almost black when he’s angry.

“If you don’t come with me this instant, you will not see the light of day again aside from attending school!  And as for him, you’re never to see or speak to him again.”

“No!  You can’t keep me from him!”  I cry, turning to Louis and gripping his shirt as I attempt to hide myself by burying myself in his chest.  I feel his arms come up to wrap around me and I briefly smile to myself through the tears I’m trying to hold back.

Louis was being oddly quiet.  I’m surprised he hasn’t said a word to my father yet… it was probably better though, I didn’t want my father to have an actual reason to keep me away from him.

“Look, why don’t you just let her stay here with me and I will bring her home to you safely in an hour, yeah?”  Louis suggests in a soft voice.

I turn my head to see my father’s reaction, it hasn’t changed.

“My daughter is not being driven home by you.  She is coming home with her father.  NOW.”  He booms.  “Rose, let’s go.”

“Look man, you need to lighten up a bit.  Rose is a big girl she can handle herself well.  And I promise I won’t hurt her if that’s what you think I’d do.”

My father marches up to us, pointing his finger directly at Louis.  “You’ve got a lot of nerve talking to me like that.  You think it makes you tough, son?  It doesn’t.  You’re a coward, a low life, a waste of a human being.  I know your kind.  A bunch of immature children who go around stealing, killing, starting fights; you’re a terrible influence to be around my daughter.  And my daughter deserves so much better than you.”

“Daddy, stop this!”  I shout.

Louis harshly shoves me aside as he steps up to my father.  “You don’t know a god damn thing about me.  Keep in mind that I was trying to be somewhat polite to you and then you just started calling me all these names.  If it weren’t for Rose and you being her father, I would probably punch the shit out of you right now.”

“Louis!”  I scold him.

“Do it then.”  My father challenges him.  “Show my daughter that I’m right about boys like you.”

“No!”  I shove myself in between them, holding them both at arm’s length.  “I’ll go with you, Father.  Just stop this, please.”

“That’s my good girl.”  My father praises, giving me a satisfied smile.  “Now, let’s go.”  He says, giving Louis one last look of disgust before turning and starting to walk away.

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