Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

Song Themes For This Chapter: Lie To Me – George Nozuka; Hold On – Colbie Caillat


“Louis… who was at the door?”  I mumble as I rub the sleep out of my eyes, attempting to clear my vision.

It was way too early, my legs felt like jell-O and I just wanted to collapse to the floor and fall asleep there.  But I was curious to know why Louis had left me in bed and who had come to the door.

“Just some person looking for money for some fake shit.”  He shrugs, strolling over to me and cupping my arms.  “What are you doing out of bed?”  He asks with a warm, crinkly-eyed smile.

I blink rapidly, struggling to keep my eyes open.  “I… I woke up and noticed you were gone.  I wanted to make sure everything was okay… and see where you had gone to.”  I let my head fall forward onto his bare chest and rest my palms against him.

Louis wraps a hand around my back and strokes my hair with the other.  “Everything’s fine.”

My eyebrows furrow, there’s something off about his tone, it’s very vague and considering my tired state I could be wrong but it makes me uneasy.

“You should be sleeping if you’re this tired.  It’s not good for the baby.”  Louis murmurs softly.

I smile and lift my head to look up at him.  “Hmm… and I thought you didn’t care about the baby.”

“I don’t.”  He says in a nonchalant, flat tone.  “But I don’t want that thing causing you any harm.”

My smile slowly fades as I look down.

“Hey.”  Louis softly beckons, tilting my chin up with his curved finger.  His smile is faint and firm.  “Don’t stress yourself out over little things.  Let me take you back to bed.”

I don’t get a chance to respond as I’m instantly lifted up into Louis’ arms.  I wrap my arms around his neck and lean my head on my arm and his shoulder as he carries me back to his room.  He kicks the door closed with his foot and gently places me back in bed before walking around and climbing in beside me.

“Are you sure everything’s alright?”  I ask, my eyes searching his face as he lays down beside me.

He merely smiles and reaches over to place a kiss to my forehead.  “Get some rest, baby.”

I frown but decide to let it go for now.  I sigh and close my eyes as Louis cuddles closer to me and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into him.  I feel myself drifting off to sleep before my head reaches his chest.


“We should take a shower before we have breakfast.”  Louis murmurs, sitting up on the edge of the bed with his back facing me; his head is slightly turned in my direction.

“Okay.”  I reply, frowning slightly at his tone.  Something seems to be bothering him.  I’m about to question him about it but he quickly gets up from the bed and leaves the room.  I hastily follow him, jogging on my tiptoes and scurrying across the hall into the bathroom with Louis.  He shuts the door behind me and locks it.

He’s already barefoot and shirtless, all he needs to do is remove his flannel pajama bottoms and his boxer shorts. 

The bathroom is rather small, not giving us much room to move around.  I slowly pull his white shirt up over my head, gently placing it beside the sink.  I look back to see Louis is already naked and starting the water.

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