Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Song Themes For This Chapter: Don’t Deserve You – Plumb; If I Tremble – Front Porch Step


I don’t know what the fuck woke me up but something startled me awake; pulling me out of my light, restless sleep.

I lazily reach up and grab my phone from my bedside table, peeking at it through one eye.  12:43 p.m. the screen read.

With a groan, I force myself to get out of bed and slip on my comfy, flannel pajama pants.  I didn’t feel the need to put on a shirt and I rarely ever wore socks.  I was good to go.

I rub my eyes as I shuffle out of my room and down the hall; the sound of voices fills my ears and I assume the boys are in the living room.

I see a bit of smoke surrounding them and I smirk a little.  My boys kicking back with some joints.  I shake my head and breathily laugh at the thought.

I walk over to the kitchen counter and grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator.  As I start walking back towards my room, my eyes are drawn to a red-haired girl sitting on the couch in between Liam and Niall.

“ROSE?!”  I choke out, nearly dropping my bottled water on the floor as I rush over to stand in front of her.

She looks up at me after taking a big inhale off the joint in her hand.

“Hey.”  She says after exhaling.  She starts to giggle a little and turns to Liam who is also chuckling.

I exchange wide-eyed glances between the three of them.  “What.  The Fuck.  Are You.  Doing, Rose?!”

“Smoking a blunt… I think that’s what it is...”  She turns to Liam.  “It’s a blunt, right?”

He nods and struggles to maintain his laughter.

She nods in understanding and turns back to me.  “Yeah, it’s a blunt.  Want one?”  She says with a giggle.

I harshly suck my bottom lip in between my teeth as I give her a cold stare.  It doesn’t seem to faze her, if anything, it just makes her giggle more.

“You look so cranky.”  She mumbles followed by another giggle.  She loosely covers her mouth with the back of her hand as she tries to contain herself; failing terribly.

“Which one of you do I need to punch for giving Rose marijuana?”  I exchange glances between Niall and Liam as I clench my jaw.

“Hey!  We tried to tell her no but she was persistent.  Lighten up, Louis.  She just wanted to try it.”  Niall replies coolly.

I eye him angrily.  “Don’t give my girlfriend, weed.  Pull this shit again and I will castrate you both.”

Niall and Liam’s faces go white.  They know I’m serious.  I reach forward and grab Rose who is still puffing off the joint she has.  She probably hasn’t heard a word I’ve just said.  I yank her up causing her to look up at me in confusion.

I rip the joint from her mouth and drop it on the table before dragging her by the arm down the hall and into my room.  I gently shove her forward and shut the door behind me.

“What the hell are you doing, Rose?!  Weed?!  Have you completely lost all common sense in that head of yours?!”  I scold her, throwing my hands up.

She’s sitting on my bed and she throws herself back, spreading her arms out as she lays down.  “Oh, Louis!  You sound worse than my parents.  I’m trying to have fun, I thought you were all about fun.  Nevermind what’s wrong with me, what’s wrong with you?”

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