How the Trolls Got Orcrist

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Thalia's POV
60 Years Before the Battle of the Five Armies*

It was the start of another beautiful day in the Woodland Realm. The sun was shining and all the elves ventured outside, soaking in the summer weather. I could be found sitting under a tree and reading a book. Occasionally I would look up and watch everyone strolling around serenely. Everyone except King Thranduil, who had been staying indoors an awful lot, finishing important paperwork and corresponding with the other leaders in Middle-earth. He had been acting very bitter and unsociable of late. Many people suspected that it was because of the recent dealings with dwarves. After Smaug the fire-drake had taken over the dwarf kingdom of Erebor, the already hostile relationship between the Mirkwood elves and the dwarves had worsened. I had my own theory. Ever since Artemis left for Lothlórien he hadn't been the same. I thought that she was a good influence on him but now that she wasn't here, Thranduil's practices were becoming more and more controversial. There were some who disagreed with Thranduil's decision to refuse aid to the dwarves, but they knew better than to open their mouths.

I heard the horns of incoming riders as they approached the gates. It was a party of Elvish riders who had returned with important news for the King. I put down my book and ran to the palace to find out more. I found Thranduil conversing with Legolas in the throne room. Legolas caught my eye and smiled but I don't think that Thranduil even noticed that I was there. The riders entered the room before I had a chance to say anything.
"What news have you brought, Captain?" asked Thranduil, addressing the important looking one at the front of the group. The captain removed her helmet. I vaguely remembered having seen her before. I tried to recall her name- Tauriel or something.
"My lord Thranduil, a pack of mountain trolls has dared to venture south, they are coming closer to our borders. Trolls have not been seen in these parts since the days of our enemies." She paused to wait for a response. Thranduil just stared.
"What would you have me do, my lord?" she continued tentatively.
"Nothing. If they aren't within our borders then there is nothing that needs to be done."
She took a deep breath and I could tell that she was holding in her anger. "But there are still others that could be in danger. They could raid villages, killing and plundering as they please. Would you wish this on anybody?"
Thranduil stood up, his eyes flashing with anger. "Do not speak to me as if you know better. Have you forgotten to whom you speak? I will not waste Elvish blood on one pack of trolls just to save some mortals that were destined to die anyway. You are dismissed."
The captain opened her mouth angrily and then closed it. She turned and walked out, signalling her guard to follow. Thranduil sat down again, his expression livid.
"Come on," Legolas whispered. "We do not want to be around my father whilst he is angry like this." He didn't have to tell me twice. We started to walk away when Thranduil called my name. I slowly turned around but he didn't seem angry at me.
"Legolas, you may leave. I would prefer to speak to Thalia alone." Legolas looked puzzled but he still left the room. I walked over to see what he wanted.
"I was going to tell you a while ago but I didn't think that it was important. There is something you should know. Long before Legolas met you he was very interested in Tauriel. I mean, it was understandable. She was pretty, smart, a good fighter. It never went beyond admiration from a distance but I would be wary of those two growing close again. Legolas is very faithful and trustworthy but I'm not sure about her. Make sure to be on your guard." I was taken aback. I wasn't sure what to expect but it was definitely not this.
"Will she ever be closely associated with Legolas? I know I've never seen them together."
"It depends. Now that she is Captain of the Guard they will probably be seeing a lot more of each other. I didn't tell you to scare you or to make you angry at either of them. I just felt that you deserved to know the truth."
"Thank you. I sure hope I have nothing to worry about." There wasn't anything else to be said so I left to go find Legolas again. I had experienced my fair share of problems in the past, but never anything like this.

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