Spirit of Death

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Nestarion's POV
210 Years Before the Battle of the Five Armies

I dug through the earth with my bare hands as I searched for it. The root that I needed was quite rare and even harder to find. But its many unique healing properties would make it all worthwhile. My fingers closed around it and I carefully pulled it out so as not to damage it. I placed it into my satchel and decided to look for another one.

I strolled deeper into the forest, humming contentedly to myself. My elvish eyes gazed into the thicket of trees and I saw something move between the branches. It seemed to emit a cold and ominous aura. I fell quiet and slowed my pace. Whatever it was, it was coming closer. I saw a glimpse of it between the trees. It didn't resemble anything that I had previously encountered. I began to feel frightened. Even if I had brought weapons with me, which I hadn't, I didn't think that they could help me now. Suddenly, the thing emerged from the trees. It looked like a huge black shadow, neither man nor beast. Thinking quickly, I shouted out some of the ancient elvish spells that I knew to try and keep it at bay.
"I command you to go back, evil spirit of the dead! Leave this forest and do not poison it with your foul ways!"

Alas! The spells did nothing to sway the spirit from its course. I began to panic as I realised that I had no idea exactly what I was up against or how to stop it. Even though it had no visible mouth, the foul thing began to speak in a language that I never wanted to hear. It was the language from the place that never came to light. It was the language of Mordor. Black Speech. It came closer and closer until it was surrounding me. All the air turned cold and I was paralysed with fear. The shadows started to seep into my pores and I let out an ear-splitting scream. My whole body ached and thoughts that I wouldn't dare repeat entered my mind. My natural instinct as a healer took over and I knew what had to be done. I grabbed my satchel and emptied out the ingredients I had collected. Using the limited tools I had available, I concocted a potion. My hands shook violently as more of the spirit entered my body. I managed to just finish mixing the potion as a hazy cloud of black obscured my vision. I knew that I didn't have time to hesitate so I downed the whole thing as my body collapsed on the ground and started to convulse. The last thing I experienced was hearing a terrible shriek and then an immense feeling of relief before nothing.

Thalia's POV
I anxiously hurried after the guard. He had told me to come with him to the palace but he hadn't explained why. Another guard came and the two of them started whispering to each other. I knew that it was rude to eavesdrop but I needed to know what was going on.
"It's just awful isn't it?"
"Yes, yes, absolutely tragic. I feel terribly sorry for the poor girl."
"Did you hear? The young prince, he was the one that found the body..." I paled upon hearing the word body and I didn't want to listen anymore. The doors opened and I was surprised to see King Thranduil walk out.
"Thalia, please come with me." Where had he heard my name? I followed him into the hall. There were more people standing soberly. I also saw someone lying in the corner. I came closer and my heart stopped. I let out the most terrible scream and ran towards him. I now knew who the guards were talking about but I didn't want to believe it. My father... My only father... dead. No. Please, no! I wanted to hug the body but I couldn't find the courage so instead I fell to the floor as violent sobs of anguish wracked me. I had no time to wonder how or why, my world seemed to just fall apart. While I was crying I sensed that someone was watching me. I turned around and saw a young elf standing behind me and staring while I had a complete breakdown on the floor. He had long blonde hair and an expression of sadness mixed with curiosity. I didn't want anyone to see me like this so I turned away and continued to sob until all my tears were gone.

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