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Thalia's POV
77 Years After the Battle of the Five Armies

Thranduil had invited us all for dinner tonight. Seated around the table was Thranduil, myself, Legolas, Artemis and my two children. Vendethiel was the youngest at age 17 while Nestarion was 34- both still quite young for elves. Nestarion had been named for my father and Vendethiel for Legolas' mother, both of whom had passed on a long time ago. At first I was worried that my children's unpolished table manners would annoy Thranduil but he was doing a much better job at being a grandfather than a father. Everything was going smoothly until, about halfway through the meal a guard burst through the door. "Sir, the prisoner, the creature Gollum, has escaped! He was climbing a tree, under supervision of course, but we were ambushed by Orcs and he ran off while we were too distracted." Thranduil looked startled but he quickly regained his composure. "Tell the guards not to panic. It will be taken care of."
The guard nodded and left. Thranduil turned to Legolas. "I need you to report his disappearance. It is extremely important that Lord Elrond is informed. Ride swiftly to Rivendell tomorrow morning." Thranduil then whispered something in Legolas' ear that only he could hear. Legolas paled a little but continued to nod. After that ordeal, we all tried to continue our meal like it never happened, but everyone was feeling uneasy and worried about what we had just witnessed.

After the meal I took the children to their bedroom. As usual, they complained the whole way there.
"But Mama, I don't want to rest. I want to go play outside!" Vendethiel started tugging on my sleeve.
"Yeah, you never make us go inside this early. It's not fair!" Nestarion argued.
"My darlings, I would let you stay out a little longer but tonight is different. Your father is dealing with some difficult things and I need you to go easy on us both. Understand that I am not trying to be mean, I'm just trying to help our whole family." They both nodded quietly. I smiled gratefully and embraced them. "There's my good little elves."

When I got back to my room I was surprised to see Legolas sitting on a chair with his head in his hands.
"What's wrong?" I asked as I rushed over to him. Legolas looked up.
"I can't do this, Thalia. Not this time."
"It's ok, it's just delivering a message. We've done that before without any problems."
"It's not just delivering a message," Legolas took a deep breath and now it was my turn to feel worried. "There is something else that I have to do. My father told me about this special thing, Isildur's Bane. The Ring of Power. You know of that? He sent me to investigate, and to represent Mirkwood. Thalia, I could be away for weeks, months even. You have no idea of the danger that could follow."
"Legolas, your father wants you to go on this quest. He trusts you. And I trust you to come back to me."
"But what about our children? You and I both know what it's like to grow up with only one parent."
"They will be fine. It's not forever and I will ask Artemis to stay and look after them with me. And when you do return, they will always remember their brave and selfless father who helped make Middle-earth a better place for all."  Tears started to leak out of my eyes as Legolas drew me close.
"Ok," he whispered. "But I will return as soon as possible. And no matter what happens, I will never forget you or my children."
"I know." That was all that I could say.

The next day I actually had to make sure Artemis would be happy to stay. I suspected that she wouldn't, but I had to try.
"Oh," she replied when I told her. "When Legolas told me I had been planning to come too, but..."
"I know. I'm putting you in a difficult position. I'm sorry," I answered. Artemis looked at the floor for a moment.
"I will stay," she said, raising her head. "I will not abandon my best friend. And I'm sure Legolas is capable."
I laughed, and she continued, "I am older than he, and it's times like this that I get protective. That's the way it used to be, for he took a while to become competent with weapons. It's stupid, I know. He'll be fine." I simply nodded for there was nothing else that needed to be said.

Later that day, we all stood outside to bid Legolas a warm farewell. No one was feeling the least bit cheerful. Vendethiel had started to cry and Nestarion looked like he was about to as well. Legolas came out of the stables with his horse. He was carrying a small rucksack and his favourite weapons, his bow, quiver and sheath of two knives that he kept on his back. Thranduil handed him a detailed map of Middle-earth before abandoning all royal procedure and embracing Legolas like a father was supposed to. Artemis ran over and hugged him tightly, a tear sliding down her cheek. I heard her whisper, "Please come back." Legolas hugged her back firmly, and as she pulled back he gave her shoulders a reassuring squeeze. He then dropped to one knee and gave our children a chance to climb on him and bid him farewell. It broke my heart to see them so sad and confused. They didn't yet understand why their father had to leave them.

I slowly walked up to him. I didn't know what to say. What do you say to someone who is leaving apart from 'goodbye'? Luckily Legolas fixed that by gently pressing his lips to mine.
"Ewwwww," Nestarion audibly whispered to Vendethiel. Legolas climbed onto his horse and waved to us as he rode away. Tears were falling from everyone's eyes as we waved back to his shrinking silhouette.

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