The Last Goodbye

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Artemis' POV
78 Years After the Battle of the Five Armies

Aware that I had not been to Lothlórien for a while, and that the quest to defeat Sauron had passed through it, I wanted to go. I worried that Sauron might do something to it, and besides, I wanted to see Haldir, Galadriel and Celeborn again. And while Nestarion and Vendethiel, Legolas and Thalia's kids, were cute, I wasn't really cut out for looking after youngsters. So I asked Thalia if I could visit Lothlórien for a short time, and she allowed me to go, although it was clear she wanted me to stay. With a smile, I reminded her that I would not be long. And so I rode to Lothlórien the next day.

I hoped that Thalia would be able to look after her kids without me. They were cute and fun, but very bouncy with a tendency to mess around. I knew they'd grow out of it, but right now they were a little hard to handle. I started thinking about various moments from the past few weeks. Nestarion, dark hair full of twigs, blue eyes alight with joy. Vendethiel, blonde hair flying in the wind as she practised riding, on Gil-galad. I remembered when she fell off, and how even that failed to dampen her spirits. Her hazel eyes, so like her mother's, still sparkled as I lifted her onto Gil-galad's back once more. I sighed. Despite their bubbly nature, which could be a little overwhelming at times, I missed them, and Thalia, already.

When I got close, I deliberately aimed for the guard station where I knew Haldir would be. To my surprise, he wasn't there. The guards knew me, so I was still allowed through. I quickly directed Gil-galad towards the palace. As I drew close, I saw Haldir in front of a large force of Lothlórien elves, briefing them. His eyes flicked in my direction but he had to continue the instructions. I caught snatches of it as I fed Gil-galad an apple.
The main thing I heard was, "Helm's Deep." As soon as the briefing was finished Haldir ran over to me with a smile on his face. I gave him a big hug.
"Artie! What brings you to Lórien?"
"I guess you could say I was homesick," I answered. "And while I have been looking after Thalia's children, I'm not really cut out for that." Haldir laughed.
"What's going on here?" I indicated the army, now starting to break up.
"Lord Elrond sent word to remind us of an old alliance between elves and men. He has foreseen that the people of Rohan are to be attacked by a massive force of Uruk-hai, and some of the Fellowship of the Ring are there. He has requested that we go to aid them, so we are. I hate to tell you that we will have to set out very soon."
I nodded. "Come on, I need to put Gil-galad away."

Once Gil-galad was in his stable, Haldir led me to a small clearing, surrounded by the most beautiful plants that could be found in Lothlórien. We sat for a while, enjoying the scenery before Haldir stood up.
"Artemis, I have thought about this for some time; we have become very close having lived together for so long. So I would like to ask you something." He got down onto one knee in front of me and my heart leapt for joy. "Will you marry me, Artemis?"
Before I could reply, a horn sounded. "The call to arms," Haldir said sadly, standing up. "We must march to Helm's Deep now."
I realised I was running out of time. I had grown up beside Haldir for most of my life. He had been like a brother, and somewhere along the way those feelings had developed into something more. "Yes, Haldir," I whispered. "I will marry you."
Haldir smiled, leaning towards me and pulling me to my feet, keeping hold of my hand for a moment. "When I return from this battle, I will marry you. That is my promise." Then he gently drew me close and kissed me. When we broke apart I was crying. "Do you have to go?" I asked. He didn't answer my question. He just murmured, "Goodbye, Artemis." And with that he squeezed my hand and left the clearing. I didn't get a chance to reply. And so my last goodbye hung on my lips, unsaid. He would never hear it.
I looked down at my hands only to see a beautiful gold arrow ring on the third finger of my left hand.

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