How Some Things that should not have been Forgotten were Lost

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Artemis' POV
2,200 Years Before the Battle of the Five Armies

In our treehouse it was calm and quiet. Though the darkness I could just make out Legolas, resting beside me. My eyes flicked to the small rectangle of dim light that was our doorway. I could see the lamps of the palace in the distance, shining on a tall figure wearing silver-white robes and a branch crown. Thranduil. My father.

The memories of the past year came flooding back. Father had been ignoring me, speaking only to Legolas. Occasionally he would walk through me as though I didn't exist. He refused to speak my name or even look at me. He wouldn't listen when Legolas tried to reason with him or speak of me. Doors would slam in my face like I wasn't there. I still had a large bruise high on my cheekbone from a recent "accident". But the worst part was the refusal to acknowledge my presence. As a young elf who had recently lost a parent, it felt as though I had lost another. With Mother dead I yearned for the love of a parent, the love that I needed to grow up and grow strong. But none came. When Legolas wasn't looking I would cry myself into the rest state. I didn't want to cause him to waste his breath trying to reason with Thranduil. So I pretended that I didn't care. I pretended that I was strong, that what Thranduil had done to me wasn't crushing me from the inside, that I wasn't slowly crumbling away. But it was. It was slowly breaking me down, destroying me beyond repair.

I'd tried to think of the possible reasons. Run through every single one in my head, over and over again. Did he blame me for Mother's death? She did die saving my life. Was it something I said, did? How could it possibly warrant this? I couldn't stand it any longer. Checking to make sure Legolas was still resting, I pulled a piece of paper from my pocket and started to write.


I'm sorry. I can't stand this any longer. I can't stand what Thranduil is doing to me. Don't try to call me back or come after me. Maybe I will return, but I don't think I can. Not while Thranduil lives. I'm going to Lothlórien, to find Aunt Galadriel and Uncle Celeborn. I hope you understand. I'm sorry.


Then, leaving the paper beside Legolas, I slipped from the treehouse as quietly as I could. Legolas didn't wake, but I knew that when he did, he would find my note. And by the time he read it, I planned to be far away, already on my way to Lothlórien. The practical part of my brain wondered what I would do if attacked by Orcs. The emotional part replied that it didn't matter. I could fight, after all, and my main priority was just getting away.

I found Gil-galad in the Mirkwood Royal Stables, quickly getting provisions together. Plenty of lembas, along with weapons, a map and a blanket. I didn't want to be cold if I decided to rest. And with that I set off, Gil-galad's hooves making little sound on the leafy ground.

Six days later I arrived at the borders of Lothlórien. As I dismounted, trying to figure out what to do next, I was startled by a voice.
"Who are you, and what are you doing here?"
I jumped and whirled around. A tall blonde elf wearing a guard's uniform stood behind me. His bow was in his hand, and I instinctively threw my hands up in the air to show him I meant no harm. For a moment we both stopped, assessing each other. I instantly realised that my lack of offensive action had served me well. I had recently passed 600, but this elf looked to be past the one thousand mark. And I had no wish to be antagonistic. "I'm here to see Lady Galadriel."
"Who are you?" the elf repeated.
"My name is Artemis. Lady Galadriel is my aunt."
He thought for a moment. "Come with me. I will take you to her."

When we reached the throne room, my guide called out to Galadriel, "Lady Galadriel! Someone here to see you. She says she's your niece."
"Thank you, Haldir. Send her in," Galadriel called back. The elf I now knew as Haldir shooed me in, and I walked unsteadily through the door.
"You are Vendethiel's daughter?"she asked. I nodded. "You are always welcome."
I quickly explained what had happened, and she called someone to show me where my quarters would be. All in all, I decided that I would be happy here. Now if only I had my brother. The tears began as I realised I would probably never see him again. It hurt more than I could have ever guessed.

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