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Hazel felt the breeze gently kiss her face as she walked to the quiet of the fields.

Solitude was blissful. So much had happened that needed deliberating upon. She needed to relax.

She caught the sight of Ced sitting on a bench, immersed in reading a book.

She walked up to him . However, he did not put in the effort of acknowledging her presence. She bent down to look at the cover of the book he was reading.

" The Odyssey, by Homer."

He looked up, clearly startled by her presence.

" Er...yes."

" I have been reading the same book." she said.

He gave her a slightly uncomfortable smile. There were two minutes of awkward silence, with Ced deliberating whether it would be alright to return to his book without appearing too rude and Hazel wondering how to continue the conversation.

" Which page are you on ?" she asked finally.

He suppressed an irritated sigh within him, as he turned the book for her to see.

She skimmed through the page. Something about the witch, Circe. " I haven't reached this part, yet." she stated.

But by that time, Ced was back to his world, deeply engrossed in the lyrical words of the epic poem.

Sure, Hazel had more to ask, a lot more, like, how did a book written in the human world reach the Fantasy Realm ? But for her own good, she was sufficiently egoistic and self respecting, to not impose her presence on someone.

It was evening, near tea time. All the descendants were upstairs. Hazel was walking through the secluded corridors, towards the Cinderella tower, when she felt a strong hand snake around her.

She tried to wriggle out of its control and it gripped her ever more tightly. Before she could even react, a hand clasped her mouth shut.

She shouted as loud as she possibly could, but all that came out was muffled screams. She was sure that no one could hear her. Certainly not Ced.

She grappled with fear, but it dragged her along.

Hazel opened her eyes.

" Water ?" A hand reached out to her, with a glass.

" Snowflake ?" she asked, surprised.

" Yes ."

Relief washed over Hazel . She took the glass and gobbled up its contents in a go.

" But how ? There was this strong hand, this person, who dragged me away...." she said, incoherently.

" That was me, Hazel." said Snowflake, "And I am really sor..."

" Come on, Snow! You needn't have done that. It was completely uncalled for!"

The new voice was unmistakably Cindy's.

Why had the two of them kidnapped her in broad daylight? What was going on?

But Hazel knew that she trusted Cindy enough to know that nothing wrong was happening. Cindy was her friend. She figured that Snowflake too was ...err...nice, perhaps.

" It's okay, Hazel. There is something extremely confidential that dearest Snow would like to discuss with us. Since calling for someone is such a mundane practice, she decided to abduct you and scare you to death."

Cindy scowled at Snowflake, crossing her arms angrily. Snowflake sighed.

" I apologize to both of you. I really mean it, but I couldn't afford the chance of anyone knowing."

" The castle is literally empty at this hour." Cindy grumbled.

"Walls have ears, Cindy. You know very well that I, that we, are not allowed to meet Hazel without the elders knowing and approving of it. We cannot tell her anything that they do not permit us to. I could simply not risk having a pre meditated meeting." Snowflake said.

Hazel was shocked. She had obviously not been aware of this rule. Suddenly, she realised that there were people who were watching her every move; that she was a priceless commodity, which could never be let out of their sight.

" Cindy, what I am going to tell you, is deeply concerning. You must brace yourself." said Snowflake,

" The Mirror of Reality has been stolen ."

The Mirror of Reality? What in heavens was that ?

" WHAT ! How ?" Cindy asked, exasperated, her eyes were disbelieving.
Hazel sensed panic in her tone.

Whatever it was , it was certainly of great importance.

" So that means ...evil has ..." Cindy's voice was lost inside her.

" This is the beginning." Snowflake said.

"This is the deed of a host of evil. We must find it immediately. Immediately!" Cindy said, her determination crystal clear in her voice

Snowflake looked at her sadly. " The Council thinks otherwise."

" Well, there is no otherwise." Hazel said.

" They blame someone else."

" Who else could it possibly be?" Cindy asked.

Snowflake stared at both of them.

" Well ?" Cindy prompted.

" They accuse you, Cindy." she stated.

Cindy's face was expression-less. " You are joking, right ?" she asked.

" I wish I were." Genuine sorrow gleamed in Snowflake's dark irises.

" But why would they think so ?" Hazel asked.

Along with being a descendant, Cindy was a patriot to her land. Her loyalty lay with the Four.

" There are witnesses who claim that they saw her walk out of the Royal Palace on the night of the theft."

" Well , that can't possibly be ...How are they so sure it was Cindy ?" Hazel asked.

" It could all be a ploy to frame her. It is a well known fact that Princess Marilyn was never particularly fond of Cindy." Snowflake offered.

" No." said Cindy.

" What happened, Cindy ?" Snowflake asked.

" No one is framing me. Hazel, Snow, there is something I would like to tell you." She paused to meet their eager glances , " I ...I did go to the palace on the night of the theft."


Author's Note



Only kidding. All you got to do is wait for the next update and vote (if you liked it ) and criticise (if you didn't ) , if you want a fast update.

Wan Ann !



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