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"Whatever happened to you, Hazel? You look like you haven't gotten a wink of sleep." Cindy exclaimed, seeing Hazel enter the lounge.

"Yeah." Hazel grunted.

" What kept you awake ?"

"Ask me what did not !"

"Okay then , what did not keep you awake ?"

Hazel sighed and looked like she was about to burst into tears.

" You met Snowflake, didn't you?"

"You bet! We had a lovely chat about good ol' times !"

" I'm sure you don't need to worry so much. Snowflake tends to exaggerate and intimidate those around her."

" But the stuff she said was bothersome. Cause , behold! I am the saviour of the realm! All I have to do, is snap my fingers and ...TADA ! Happy ending!"

"Hazel, breathe." Cindy said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

" Well , I am breathing." Hazel snapped.

" Slowly."

Hazel groaned, closing her eyes and exhaling slowly.

"You know, Cindy, I like I am running in a maze. You know that you are in a maze, but you don't know how to get out of it ; you know that you are running , but you don't know where. I don't know what happens when I snap my fingers !"

" Calm down." said Cindy, "We will all be fighting along with you. We will find the answers to all your questions. Be patient."

"Easy." Hazel rolled her eyes.

"Yes, you'll find that it is." Cindy crossed her arms, "I am the descendant of Cinderella, the guardian of hope and prosperity. I will not allow you to act cynical in my presence."

Hazel could not help but smile at the serious expression on her face.

" Besides, I think I know someone who can help you." Cindy said.

" Who ?"

" The one who knows the answer to all your questions."


Hazel stood at the top of the Sleeping Beauty tower. The strong winds touched her skin , like waves breaking on the shore. They said to her, " Let me take you and your troubles with me."

Hazel was in the prophecy room. Strangely, it hardly looked so. It differed from the stereotypical depictions of a prophecy room, as it did not have any glass balls or flourescent auras.The room was empty with the most beautiful view of the sky.

"Hazel Smith." Hazel turned to see a rather tall woman, smiling at her.

" Who are you ?"

" The one you seek. The foreteller."

" Madame Cassandra." she bowed down to the lady.

" Oh, please, call me Cassie."

" Cindy told me that you would be able to help. I am here because ..."

"You don't realise what power you have , why you are the one."

A whirlwind of emotions went through Hazel. Awe, excitement and the urge to hug Cassie and cry.

"Someone finally understands me , folks of all the realms that exist ! "

" So tell me Hazel , what do you know about it ?"

" That's the thing. I know nothing."

" You are not right, dear." Cassie urged, kindly.

"I really don't have the slightest idea ..."

" It's not that you don't know, just that you don't realise."

"Enlighten me." said Hazel.

Cassie smiled ever more kindly at Hazel and it seemed to lull Hazel's frustration to sleep.

"Think. Haven't you been told something about your powers, the slightest something ?"

Hazel paused for a while.

" Ah , gran said that my mind had the ability to stay at multiple places and ... how imagination is the greatest power. It doesn't make any sense, does it ?"

" Why doesn't it Hazel ? It is the most sensible thing I've ever heard."

Hazel was puzzled. Perhaps, it showed on her face, because Cassie let out a soft laugh.

"The mind's eye can perceive things that are beyond the five senses. It is the sixth sense."

Cassie continued, "You ask me what the power of imagination is. It is looking beyond what others can see and what reality permits you to see. It is the clearest sight.

"The mind's eye is shut for most people, controlled by their biases, self-created constructs and notions. One may think of them as a kind of narrow minded people. But your sixth sense is strong, the strongest I've ever seen.  I can feel it. You radiate power."

Hazel almost laughed. "So the weirdo has all-seeing, incomprehensible power !"

" Yes, the power of mind is incomprehensible and unfathomable. Thought is the greatest weapon ever possessed, Hazel . Other so- called weapons are merely means to channel it !"

" A powerful thought process can change the world. It can shape it." Hazel said.

"Does thought only affect mentality ?" said Cassie, "Can it not leave physical impact ? Do you believe the power of mind to be so limited ?"

Hazel paused and pondered on this, for a moment. Her eyes gleamed with realisation but she stood still, too stunned to speak.

" They call it paranormal, because it is beyond their understanding of normal. But what is normal ?  Normal  is simply what comes easily to us, something that doesn't challenge us."

Hazel gazed at Cassie's eyes that were so dark a shade of blue, that they almost looked unreal, like gemstones  hidden in the façade of irises; a dark ocean of peace and calm.

There was nothing extraordinary about her appearance, yet Cassie was anything but ordinary. Now that Hazel thought of it , so was she.

" And so , I have enlightened you." Cassie smiled at Hazel. " I have to ask you something."

" Sure." Hazel said.

" Is there a difference between wisdom and intelligence ?"

Hazel paused.

" Intelligence is the acquisition of knowledge," said Cassie, " But wisdom is knowing how to use it.Wisdom teaches grace and humility.

"Hazel, it is upon you, whether to be wise or intelligent."

Hazel nodded. "Thank you, Cassie."

As she left the room, she felt a great weight lift off her, a light-headedness that the accession of knowledge brought.

In that moment, she was endless.


Author's Note

What is the difference between intelligence and wisdom ?" my teacher said, " It is the same as the difference in a smile and a laugh ...."

So this chapter is dedicated to her.

Strange isn't it , how a line said by someone can be so influential!

Thank you to all my fellow readers and writers , for reading MIST and giving it all your support and love. 

Heaps and mounds and tonnes of love


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