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The blinding sunlight hurt Ced's eyes as he woke up.

The aroma of biscuits and sweets trickled into the surroundings and finding its way to his nose, it evoked an urge in him; hunger.

There was a knock on the door.Through the fuzzy haze of sight, he saw the kind face of a woman smile at him.

" You are awake. Shall I bring you water ?"

Ced nodded, as parched-ness gripped his throat like a tightening rope. He looked down at his leg ; his wound was properly cleaned and nursed.

She offered him a glass of water. He gratefully gulped down its contents in one go.

" Here, have this bar of chocolate. You will feel better."

" Th..Thank you so much." Ced managed to say.

" Oh, it's no problem at all! Your sister has been waiting to see you. You must talk to her now."

" Cindy? Is she here?"

" Yes. I'll call her." she said, walking out of the room.

" CED !" Cindy ran up to him. Her hair looked like it had been hit by a hurricane and dried streaks of tears were visible on her cheeks.

" I am so sorry, Ced. So sorry." She knelt down near him, as regretful tears flowed down her face, draining the brightness of her eyes.

" But why ? You saved me in the nick of time! If it hadn't been for you ..."

" Oh, Ced ! That was not me. It was them, Hansel and Gretel."

"Hansel and Gretel?"

"I could not arrive in time to save you. They were the ones who helped us."

"But the arrows ..."

" It was them. They attacked the wolves with smoke balls and poisonous arrows and provided us with food and shelter. I could do nothing for you! I have failed you as a leader and sister."  she sobbed.

" So, that woman ..."

" She is Gretel. She has tended to you all these days. Ced, I am so ..."

" Don't you dare apologize! How could you have possibly known that the wolves would show up in your absence? You are not at fault. I'm perfectly fine. Now, come here." He stretched his arms forward. The brother and the sister were lost in a loving embrace.

"Sorry to interrupt." said Hazel, walking into the room, " But are you OK ? How is your leg ?" 

" Wounded." Ced answered.

Hazel rolled her eyes. "Well, I came to inform you both that breakfast is ready. Gretel was asking ..."

" We will be right there." Cindy cut in.

" Okay then. I'll tell her that." Hazel said, leaving them.

With Cindy supporting him, Ced slowly got off the bed and trudged forward to the humble dining room.

Hazel was deep in conversation with a strong muscled man .

Must be Hansel .

As they sat down, Gretel fetched out a freshly baked pie from the oven .

Perhaps, the same oven that Gretel had pushed the witch into.

"Here, why don't you have some, Cedron?" Gretel said, putting the pie dish on the table.

", thank you." he said, looking at the food suspiciously. Cindy glared at him.

Gretel chuckled good-naturedly "You know, we don't prefer food with a tinge of witch corpse either."

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